Council Documents Midwinter and Annual Conference 2015



Document #

Document Title

MW 1 Council Document Inventory List (information)
MW 2 Council Minutes from the 2014 Annual Conference (action)
AC 2.1 Council Minutes from the 2015 Midwinter Meeting (action)
MW 3 Resolution Committee’s Table Schedule (information)
MW 4 What’s Happening: A Pre-Midwinter Update (information)
MW/AC 5 Rules Governing Council Meetings (action)
MW/AC 6 (No document)
AC 7 Awards Committee Report (action)
MW 8-8.3 Council Agendas (action)
AC 8.4-8.7 Council Agendas (action)
MW 9 Implementation Report of Council Actions from the 2014 Annual Conference (information)
AC 9.1 Implementation Report of Council Actions from the 2014 Annual Conference (information)
MW 10 Standards for Accreditation of Master’s Programs in Library and Information Studies (action)
MW 11 Report of the COC on the 2015 Nominees for the Executive Board (information)
MW 11.1 Tellers for the Council Election to the Executive Board (information)
MW 11.2 Council Tellers Report on Executive Board Election Results (information)
AC 12 Nominations for the 2015-2016 Council Committee on Committee Election (action)
AC 12,1 Nominations for the 2015-2016 Planning and Budget Assembly Election (action)
AC 12.2 Tellers for the COC and PBA Election (information)
AC 12.3 Report of the COC and PBA Election Tellers (information)
MW 13 Treasurer’s Information Report for Council Information Session (information)
MW 13.1 Treasurer’s Report on FY2016 Programmatic Priorities Cover Sheet (action)
MW 13.1 Treasurer’s Report on FY2016 Programmatic Priorities (action)
AC 13.2 Treasurer’s Information Report for Council Information Session (information)
AC 13.3 Report on Council re: FY16 Annual Estimates of Income and Budgetary Ceiling (action)
MW 14 Task Force on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Report (information)
AC 14.1 Task Force on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Report (information)
MW 15 Executive Board Actions (information)
AC 15.1 Executive Board Actions (information)
MW 16 Endowment Trustees Report (Information)
AC 16.1 Endowment Trustees Report (Information)
MW 17 Policy Monitoring Committee (PMC) Report (action)
AC 17.1 No report at 2015 AC
MW 18-18.1 International Relations Committee (IRC) Report (action)
AC 18.2 International Relations Committee (IRC) Report (information)
MW 19-19.1 Intellectual Freedom Committee (IFC) Report (action)
AC 19.2-19.7 Intellectual Freedom Committee (IFC) Report (action)
MW 20-20.1 Committee on Legislation (COL) Report (action)
AC 20.2-20.3 Committee on Legislation (COL) Report (action)
MW 21 President’s Report (information)
AC 21.1 President’s Report (information)
MW 22 Freedom to Read Foundation (FTRF) Report (information)
MW 23 Executive Director’s Report (information)
AC 23.1 Executive Director’s Report (information)
MW 24 Committee on Professional Ethics Report (information)
AC 24.1 Committee on Professional Ethics Report (information)
MW 25 Constitution and Bylaws Committee (C&BL) Report (action)
AC 25.1 Constitution and Bylaws Committee (C&BL) Report (action)
MW 26-26.1 2015 Nominating Committee Report (information)
MW 27 Committee on Organization (COO) Report (action)
AC 27.1 Committee on Organization (COO) Report (action)
AC 28 Division Reports--Cover Letter (information)
AC 28.1 American Association of School Librarians (AASL) (information)
AC 28.2 Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) (information)
AC 28.3 Association for Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS) (information)
AC 28.4 Association for Library Services to Children (ALSC) (information)
AC 28.5 United for Libraries: The Association of Library Trustees, Advocates, Friends, and Foundations (information)
AC 28.6 Association of Specialized & Cooperative Library Agencies (ASCLA) (information)
AC 28.7 Library Leadership and Management Association (LLAMA) (information)
AC 28.8 Library and Information Technology Association (LITA) (information)
AC 28.9 Public Library Association (PLA) (information)
AC 28.10 Reference and User Services Association (RUSA) (information)
AC 28.11 Young Adults Library Services Association (YALSA) (information)
MW 29 President-Elect’s Report (information)
AC 29.1 President-Elect’s Report (information)
MW 30 Washington Office Report (information)
AC 30.1 Washington Office Report (information)
MW 31 Work Force Analysis Report Cover Sheet (information)
MW 31 Work Force Analysis Report (information)
MW 32 Resolution on the Destruction of Libraries and Schools in Gaza in 2014 (action-defeated)
MW 33 BARC Report-Narrative (information)
MW 33 BARC Report (information)
AC 33.1 BARC Report (information)
MW 34 Resolution on Divestment from Caterpillar, Hewlett-Packard, and Motorola Solutions (action-withdrawn)
MW 35 Resolution Urging Library Directors to Encourage and Support United for Libraries Memberships for Each of Their Trustees (action)
AC 36 Resolution on the Importance of Sustainable Libraries (action)
AC 37 Strategic Plan w/cover email (action)
AC 38 Resolution on Improving Access to Spanish, Bilingual, and Books in Various Languages for Children in Detention Centers (action)
AC 39 Update on activities of the Center for the Future of Libraries (information)
AC 40 Resolution on Libraries and Schools Affected by the Conflict in Gaza and Israel in 2014 (action)
AC 41 and Joint Committee 2015-2016 (information)
AC 41.1 Council Committees 2015-2016 (information)
AC 42 Resolution Against Mass Surveillance of the American People (referred to COL and IFC) (action)
AC 43 & MMD#3 Resolution Denouncing the Systemic Racism that Motivated the South Carolina Shootings (action)
AC 44 Committee on Diversity Report to Council (information)
AC 45 & MMD#4 Resolution on Gun Violence (action)
AC 46 Resolution to Endorse Statement from the Movement for Black Lives on Charleston Shooting (action)


Number Name
1. Diane Monnier
2. Jean Lowrie
3. Roger Greer
4. Chris Olson
5. Ruth Bell
6. Forol An Accola Foos
7. Miriam Drake
8. Lois Mai Chan
9. Judith Hopkins
10. Mary Woodley
11. Julia Blixrud
12. Vivian Blanche Cazayoux
13. Ernie DiMattia
14. John Hunter
15. Don Sager
16. Leslie Feinberg
17. Paul Kay Sybrowsky
18. Gail A Schlachter
19. David Cohen
20. Charles Benton
21. Cynthia D. Clark
22. Ruth C. Carter
23. William Vernon Jackson
24. Elizabeth H. (“Betsy”) Park
25. Floyd C. Dickman
26. Cynthia G. Hurd
27. Zoia Horn


Number Name
1. Nathan Scott
2. Ferguson Municipal Public Library
3. Linda Lord
4. Charles Wilt
5. Tom Wheeler
6. Jessie Carney Smith
7. Recognition of the 25th Anniversary of the Signing of the American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA)
8. 35th Anniversary of the Asian/Pacific American Librarians Association (AP)
9. Enoch Pratt Free Library in Baltimore, Maryland
10. 50th Anniversary of the National Endowment for the Humanities

-APA Documents

Agenda, APACD#1

Minutes, APACD#2

Rules, APACD#3

Treasurer’s Report--FY 2014 Year-End Results, APACD#4 -4.1

Executive Director’s Report, APACD#5