B.6 International Relations (Old Number 58)


B.6.1 Policy Objectives (Old Number 58.1)

The Charter states that the Association was formed “for the purpose of promoting library interest throughout the world by exchanging views, reaching conclusions and inducing cooperation in all departments of bibliothecal science and economy.”The commitment in the area of international relations is carried out, in part, through the activities and programs of ’s International Relations Office. The °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±app establishes these objectives and responsibilities for its international relations programs:

  1. To encourage the exchange, dissemination, and access to information and the unrestricted flow of library materials in all formats throughout the world ( Key Action Area: Equitable Access to Information and Library Services).
  2. To promote and support human rights and intellectual freedom worldwide ( Key Action Area: Intellectual Freedom; Key Action Area: Diversity)
  3. To foster, promote, support and participate in the development of international standards relating to library and information services, including informational tools and technologies ( Key Action Area: Transforming Libraries).
  4. To promote legislation and treaties that will strengthen library, information and telecommunications services worldwide ( Key Action Area: Transforming Libraries).
  5. To encourage involvement of librarians, information specialists, and other library personnel in international library activities and in the development of solutions to library service problems that span national boundaries ( Key Action Area: Transforming Libraries).
  6. To promote the education of librarians, information specialists, and other library personnel in such ways that they are knowledgeable about librarianship in the international context ( Key Action Area: Education and Lifelong Learning).
  7. To promote public awareness of the importance of the role of librarians, libraries, and information services in national and international development ( Key Action Area: Advocacy for Libraries and the Profession).

(See ‘‘Policy Reference File’’ for - PDF, 30 pgs)


B.6.2 Human Rights and Freedom of Expression (Old Number 58.4.1)

B.6.2.1 Article 19 of the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Old Number 58.4)

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media regardless of frontiers.

(See‘‘Policy ReferenceFile’’: - PDF, 3 pgs)


B.6.2.2 Abridgment of the Rights of Freedom of Foreign Nationals (Old Number 58.3)

Threats to the freedom of expression of any person become threats to the freedom of all; therefore adopts as policy the principles of Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations General Assembly. The Association will address the grievances of foreign nationals where the infringement of their rights of free expression is clearly a matter in which all free people should show concern. Resolutions or other documents attesting to such grievances will be brought to the attention of the Executive Board and Council by the International Relations Committee.

(See ‘‘Policy Reference File’’: - PDF, 19 pgs)


B.6.2.3 and IFLA (Old Number 58.4.1)

The shall work with other associations and institutions that belong to IFLA to develop positions and programmatic plans of action in support of human rights and freedom of expression. The president or the member officially representing the Association at IFLA conferences shall be directed to support and carry them out; and, in the absence of such specific direction, the president or the member officially representing the Association at IFLA conferences is empowered to vote on new IFLA resolutions related to human rights and freedom. Their votes shall be guided by ’s adoption of Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the good of the Association.

(See ‘‘Policy Reference File’’: - PDF, 3 pgs)


B.6.3 Selection of Consultants to Serve Abroad (Old Number 58.2)

The °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±app, serving the public interest, assigns a high priority to the development of libraries, librarianship, and information services throughout the world. reaffirms its continuing desire to foster international library development in all countries and, in return, hopes to continue to learn from its participation.

In response to requests for assistance from abroad, must be able to recommend librarians and information specialists who are both highly qualified and sensitive to cultural and national differences. will therefore apply its approved guidelines and criteria in recommending, nominating, and selecting international consultants.

(See ‘‘Policy Reference File’’ for - PDF, 2 pgs)


B.6.4 Rights of Librarians and Library Workers to Travel (Old Number 58.5)

The °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±app affirms and supports the rights of librarians and library workers in or from the U.S. to travel to all countries in order to attend and participate in conferences, to purchase books and other library materials, to meet and develop working relationships with librarians, to develop gift and exchange programs, to pursue and establish ties with library and other professional associations and libraries, and to conduct educational and professional library-related activities. In addition, affirms and supports the rights of librarians and library workers from outside the U.S. to travel to the U.S. and not be prohibited or impeded by U.S. government policies, to attend and participate in conferences, to purchase books and other library materials, to meet and develop working relationships with librarians and library staff, to develop gift and exchange programs, to pursue and establish ties with library and other professional associations and libraries, and to conduct educational and professional library-related activities.

(See “Policy Reference File”: Resolution on Rights of Librarians and Library Workers to Travel: 2005-2006 CD# 18.2)
