Why Become a Sister Library?



There are many reasons to build a partnership with a library in another country. These include to:

•Promote awareness of the library and its international "reach."

•Exchange information between libraries.

•Improve access to published information in both countries.

•Raise awareness of issues and needs facing libraries in various countries.

•Offer opportunities to learn more about a region or country represented by an immigrant group in your community.

•Share techniques and technologies to help solve problems.

•Broaden both your own and your staff's view of the library profession.

•Increase staff and community knowledge of other cultures.

•Increase diversity of interaction between professionals.

•Share strengths through exchange of resources and expertise.

•Address weaknesses by providing resources, training and exposure.

For More Information:


International Relations Office

Telephone: 800-545-2433, ext. 3201

Fax: 312-280-4392
