Council Documents Midwinter and Annual Conference 2018

Council Documents Midwinter and Annual Conference 2018



Document #

Document Title

MW 1 Council Document Inventory List (information)
MW 2 Council Minutes from the 2017 Annual Conference (action)
AC 2.1 Council Minutes from the 2018 Midwinter Meeting (action)
MW 3 Resolution Committee’s Table Schedule (information)
AC 3.1 Resolution Committee's Table Schedule (information)
MW 4 What’s Happening: A Pre-Midwinter Update (no document)
MW/AC 5 Rules Governing Council Meetings (action)
MW/AC 6 (information)
MW/AC 7 Strategic Directions (information)
MW 8 Council/Executive Board/Membership Information Session Agenda (information)
MW 8.1 Revised Council I Meeting Agenda (action)
MW 8.2 Council II Meeting Agenda (action)
MW 8.3 Council III Meeting Agenda (action)
AC 8.4 Council/Executive Board/Membership Information Session Agenda (information)
AC 8.5 Council I Meeting Agenda (action)
AC 8.6 Revised Council II Meeting Agenda (action)
AC 8.7 Revised Council III Meeting Agenda (action)
MW 9 Revised Implementation Report of Council Actions from the 2017 Annual Conference (information)
AC 9.1 2018 Midwinter Meeting Implementation Report (information)
MW 10 Resolution Process Powerpoint (information)
MW 10.1 Resolution Committee (information)
AC 10.2 Revised Resolution Committee (action)
MW 11 Report of the COC on the 2018 Nominees for the Executive Board (information)
MW 11.1 Tellers Committee for the 2018 Executive Board Election (information)
MW 11.2 Council Tellers Report on Executive Board Election Results (information)
AC 12 Nominations for the 2018-2019 Council Committee on Committees Election (action)
AC 12.1 Nominations for the 2018-2019 Planning and Budget Assembly Election (action)
AC 12.2 Tellers Committee for COC and PBA Election (information)
AC 12.3 Council Tellers Rreport on COC and PBA Election Results
MW 13 Treasurer’s Information Report for Council Information Session (information)
MW 13.1 Treasurer’s Report on FY2019 Programmatic Priorities (action)
AC 13.2 Treasurer's Report for Information Session (information)
AC 13.3 Revised Treasurer's Report for Council II (action)
MW 14 Committee on Diversity (information)
AC 14.1 Committee on Diversity (information)
MW 15-15.2 Executive Board Actions (information)
AC 15.3-15.4 Executive Board Actions (information)
MW 16 Endowment Trustees Report (Information)
AC 16.1 Endowment Trustees Report at the Information Session (information)
MW 17 Policy Monitoring Committee (PMC) Report (action)
AC 17.1 Policy Monitoring Committee (PMC) Report (action)
MW 18 International Relations Committee (IRC) Report (action)
AC 18.1-18.3 International Relations Committee (IRC) Report (information)
MW 19-19.2 Intellectual Freedom Committee (IFC) Report (action)
AC 19.3-19.8 Intellectual Freedom Committee (IFC) Report (action)
MW 20 Committee on Legislation (COL) Report (action)
AC 20.1-20.4 Committee on Legislation (COL) Report (action)
MW 21 President’s Report (information)
AC 21.1 President's Report (information)
MW 22 Freedom to Read Foundation (FTRF) Report (information)
AC 22.1 Freedom to Read Foundation (FTRF) Report (information)
MW 23 Executive Director’s Report (information)
AC 23.1 Executive Director's Report (information)
MW 24 Committee on Professional Ethics
AC 24.1 Committee on Professional Ethics (information)
MW 25 Constitution and Bylaws Committee (C&BL) Report
AC 25.1 Constitution and Bylaws Committee (C&BL) Report (action)
MW 26-26.1 2018 Nominating Committee Report (information)
MW 27 Committee on Organization (COO) Report (action)
AC 27.1 Committee on Organization (COO) Report (action)
AC 28-28.11 (information)
MW 29 President-Elect’s Report (information)
AC 29.1 President-Elect's Report (information)
MW 30 Washington Office Report (information)
AC 30.1 Washington Office Report (information)
MW 31 Scholarships and Study Grants Committee Report
MW 32 Membership Committee Report (action)
MW 33 BARC Report (information)
AC 33.1 BARC Report at the Information Session
AC 33.2 BARC Report at Council
MW 34 Honorary Nomination (confidential document)
MW 35 Discussion on How Might Organize Itself to Continue to Fulfill Its Mission in the 21st Century (information)
AC 35.1 Organizational Effectiveness Plan (revised; information)
MW 36 Resolution on Socially Responsible Investments for the Endowment Fund (information)
MW 37 Resolution on Addressing Roadblocks to Diversity in the Leadership Pipeline (information)
AC 38-38.1 and Council Committee Rosters (information)
AC 40 Special Task Force on Sustainability Report (information)
AC 41 Resolution to Honor African Americans Who Fought Library Segregation (action)
AC 42 Resolution on Gender Inclusive Bathrooms at Conferences and Meetings (action)

Bios and Statements of the Executive Board Candidates




1 Mae Benne
2 Edwin Gleaves
3 Mary Kathleen Hanselmann
4 Julius Lester
5 Lora Landers
6 Gene Dickerson
7 Herb Biblo
8 Heather Lanier
9 John Byrum
10 Mary Lynette Larsgaard
11 Bernard (Bernie) A. Margolis
12 deg farrelly
13 Krista McKenzie
14 Stephanie Squicciarini




1 70th Anniversary of MPLA
2 Resolution Honoring Davita Vance-Cooks
3 20th Anniversary of E-Rate
4 50th Anniversary of Lois Ann Gregory-Wood
5 A Tribute Resolution Honoring Pat May Upon her Retirement
6 A Tribute Resolution Thanking Don Wood for His Service

-APA Documents


Document #

Document Name

MW 1 Agenda, APACD#1
MW 2 Minutes, APACD#2
MW 3 Rules, APACD#3
MW 4-4.1 Treasurer’s Report--FY 2016 Year-End Results, APACD#4 -4.1
MW 5 Executive Director’s Report, APACD#5
MW 6 Overview Document, APACD#6

2018 MW Council Orientation Session

2018 AC Council Orientation Session

2018 AC Membership Meeting Documents