Sarah Huber


There are many opportunities to effect change in libraries. I never could have imagined I would get to take part in such creative endeavors, but

Scott Collard

Librarians occupy a unique niche on campus, as neutral University territory, as a non-judgmental resource for every year's new crop of students, and as a

Scott McFadden

One of my favorite things about being in the academic world is the sense of learning and education constantly going on around you. Not just

Sean C. Bird


Being an academic librarian is a lifestyle. I am never not librarianing. An Information Literacy instructor, as well I am an Information Literacy practitioner, constantly

Sharon Kay Edwards

Making the transition from various public libraries to an academic one has been easier than I expected. While an academic library user's motive may differ

Sharon Ladenson


The opportunities for continuous learning and growth are abundant in librarianship. I’m currently participating in the Institute for Research Design in Librarianship, a stimulating program

Sharon Mader

In my career of over forty years at seven different institutions, I have always found joy, inspiration, and satisfaction in working in a profession whose

Sheena Philogene


Honestly, just a year ago I really didn’t understand what academic librarians do. Yet now, as an academic librarian, I see that roles are constantly

Sheila Garcia

I can best describe working as an academic librarian as a challenging, constantly changing, opportunity. There is much that I can contribute to and learn

Sian Brannon

I am not supposed to be a librarian. I was supposed to become a statistician and work for the Chicago Bulls, convincing Michael Jordan to

Stacey Shah


Early in my career, I was very focused on what I could contribute to my library and institution. At this stage, I have come to

Stefanie Bluemle


If I had to choose a motto it would be: Everything is political. Academic librarians don’t always have direct access to power on their campuses

Stephanie Crowe


Being an academic librarian is full of opportunity and a wonderful balance of many different kinds of activities. In my job, I teach, research, do

Sterling Joseph Coleman, Jr.


My life as an academic/research librarian has not been an easy one. I've been denied tenure at one institution. And I received tenure but was

Symphony Bruce


I'm having a hard time writing this because I want to figure out a way to acknowledge that for so many of us, our work

Tahirah Akbar-Williams


Working as an information professional is awesome! The LIS field is dynamic and when allowed it has the potential to be more diverse, innovative, progressive

Tara Weekes


I started my career as an academic library work-study student in 2004, and I have been blessed to obtain and apply nearly 20 years of

Ted Quiballo

In my amazing journey, I have received much support from different groups and individuals. As a graduate from the LEEP Program at the School of

Teresa Helena Moreno


Much of my time as an academic librarian is to help create pathways for the researcher to see how information is shaped and molded as

Teresa Williams

As an academic librarian, I have the opportunity to get to know so many students, but I have just a few short years to make

Tiffany Raymond


When I first started thinking about going into library science, I wasn't considering becoming an academic librarian. Soon after I started my program I decided

Tiffeni Fontno


The best part about working as an academic library is being in an environment where creating and questioning ideas is a given. As a librarian

Tracy Bicknell-Holmes


When I was in high school, my mother said she could see me as a librarian one day. My response? "That would be really boring!"

Trent Brager

Making research an engaging and relevant process can be difficult but the rewards are entirely worth the work.

Trevor A. Dawes


Academic libraries add so much value to the mission of the institutions we are a part of. It's great to have ACRL to help us

Trina McCowan


I’m tremendously grateful that I found my place in academic libraries. I like to tell people that becoming a librarian is a means of monetizing

Triveni Kuchi


My life as an academic librarian is extremely busy, exciting, and fulfilling. I enjoy collaborating with users on research projects and planning creative events to

Twanna Hodge

Exciting. There is so much to learn and keep abreast of in order to continue to be able to help patrons to the best of

Valerie Nye


As academic librarians we have a unique view of a our institutions. We see across departments, we see diverse points of view because of our

Vicky Hart


Looking back at my career, although it has taken some twists and turns, librarianship was the right choice for me. I count myself lucky that