Bobby Reed


Most importantly, librarianship is about people, information, and managing the relationship between the two. No book or new technology can replace staff and faculty wisdom

Brandi Hart


While I have no experience working in an academic library yet, I have spent some of my fondest moments as an undergraduate doing research in

Brenna Cox


Being a librarian provides an incredible opportunity to shape how information is stored, distributed, and interpreted. I hope to push the boundaries on conventional forms

Brian Vetruba


Being an academic librarian is not just a job--it’s a calling to help people find information and resources they’re looking for. I fell into librarianship

Brianna Buljung


I have really appreciated the opportunity to co-edit the ACRL Scholarly Communications Cookbook with my colleague, Emily Bongiovanni. I have learned so much from our

Brie Baumert


Despite working in my college library as an undergraduate student, I never took advantage of the librarians, always feeling too intimidated or nervous to ask

Brittany Paloma Fiedler

I entered academic librarianship after careers as a high school English teacher and middle school librarian. Transitioning to a university library has been an exciting

Cara B. Stone

Academic libraries play a vital role in helping prepare students to be engaged and responsible global citizens in pursuit of meaningful personal and professional futures

Carissa Tomlinson


The best thing about being an academic librarian is that you can try on so many different hats. I've had jobs where I was an

Carla Myers

One of the things I love most about being a librarian is that there are so many opportunities to continue our education and expand our

Carla-Mae Crookendale


I meet a diverse array of people, and I'm constantly challenged to learn new things and keep an open mind.

Carmen Cole


Academic librarianship is my second career. I worked in clothing retail management for several years before I decided to pursue my MLIS. Although it took

Carrie Kruse

I believe it is important to examine all that we do in an academic library with a social justice lens. I think that we need

Carrie L. Forbes


Providing library services safely and effectively on a residential campus during the pandemic has been a difficult task! I've been so impressed with the resourcefulness

Cassandra Kvenild


Academic libraries have given me a chance to serve in multiple roles and take on lots of interesting projects. This job is never boring, and

Caterina M. Reed


I consider myself a lifelong learner and so librarianship is really an ideal profession for me. From cataloging to reference (not to mention emerging technologies

Catherine Cardwell


I have been an academic librarian for 25 years now. When I started, I couldn’t have imagined the variety of opportunities and experiences I’ve had

Catherine Manci

Before I was an academic librarian, I was a high school English teacher and my curriculum included at least one research essay per year. And

Chelsea Heinbach


I hope that as a field we can develop library cultures that support students in contributing more fully to our classrooms, spaces, and workplaces. Talk

Chelsea Nesvig


I am happiest in my work when I am interacting directly with students, which means that most of the time, this is a dream job

Chelsee Dickson


A common misconception about academic librarianship is that it's slow and stuffy when, in reality, it's the exact opposite. Academic librarianship is fast-paced, innovative, and

Cherry Williams


Life as an academic librarian, particularly working in special collections, not infrequently provides its own unique service opportunities to share, on occasion, life-altering experiences with

Chiméne E. Tucker


Have fun, be fair, act with integrity, be socially responsible and eat lunch; hangry is real! If we are not investing in our well-being, we

Christina Hilburger


I hope to encourage collaboration with faculty, ease library anxieties, and support the learning and research needs of my community. Academic libraries are at the

Christina Holm


Being an academic librarian has given me so many opportunities to grow and learn. I get to participate in and support so many different research

Christina M. Miskey


I enjoy my work as an academic librarian, and am grateful for the opportunity to use the experience that I have gained to help the

Christina R. Hillman


Being an academic librarian is great. It's allowed me to stretch professionally in ways I never expected when I began my career 10 years ago

Clara M. Chu

Academic libraries are experiencing a changing landscape, which has opened up new opportunities to work with and serve our communities. While the transformations in our

Constance Wade, MLIS, MS


I find myself distracted and hard to settle on a sentence or two, so here are a few thoughts. As a librarian in public services

Corey Halaychik

The days can be long, the pay can be low, but the results are totally worth it.