Holly Allyce Jackson


I've wanted to be a librarian since I was four and a half. We lived across the street from the library in our tiny rural

Hytham Dali


Academic librarians have an incredibly important role to play in the education of students. They provide the tools and resources for students to succeed both

Isabel Soto-Luna


While I knew that I wanted to be an academic librarian, I didn't realize how much I would enjoy it. Working with students at the

Jack Hang-tat Leong


My career as an academic librarian has been full of opportunities, challenges and blessings. In the last 18 years, I have the honour to serve

Jack Hang-tat Leong


It has been a very rewarding career in which I can pursue my diverse research and professional interests in information science, education, literary studies, computer

Jade Geary

As I prepare to participate in the 2019 Emerging Leader program, I have been spending a great deal of time thinking about the library community

Jamia Williams

This is my dream come true and I am glad to finally be apart of a profession that has so many dynamic people in it

Jane Nichols


While my daily work, like so many others, has changed over the years, what has remained steadfast is a commitment to values such as creating

Janet Reyes


I became an academic librarian late in my overall career (which was mostly in the private sector, creating mapped data), without a degree in librarianship

Jannette L. Finch


I absolutely love to research and go through the writing process. That helps me help students and faculty. For example, I have been part of

Je Salvador


I hope someday to work in a library that subverts—or serves to dismantle—the systems of oppression—including ableism, anthropocentrism, capitalism, patriarchy, racism, surveillance, and more—that we

Jeff Hipsher


Often viewed as a stepping stone to other more authentic or impactful careers in academia, I've made a home in the craft of Access Services

Jeff Hiroshi Gima


It’s always resonated with me the way Lorcan Dempsey describes libraries’ shift from “outside-in” roles, where they gather broadly distributed external resources to bring them

Jeff Knapp


As a refugee from the corporate world, I took a leap of faith enrolling in library school over 20 years ago, never having worked in

Jenn Kelley


As an endlessly curious person who values the practice of throwing things against a wall to see what sticks, academic librarianship has provided me with

Jennifer Arnold


I have been a community college librarian for 18 years, and three years ago I went back to grad school to earn a Masters in

Jennifer Beamer


I’m humbled and excited that I have be chosen to be a new presenter for the one-day RoadShow Scholarly Communication: From Understanding to Engagement. I’m

Jennifer Chan

I believe that much of academic library outreach is an investment in the long game. Beyond engagement to fulfill the requirements of our existing users

Jennifer Embree


One of my favorite things about being an academic librarian is how varied every single day can be. I may be reviewing the latest psychology

Jennifer K. Nelson

Having recently completed a doctoral degree in Latin and Roman Studies, with an emphasis on early modern Italy, I feel incredibly lucky to be in

Jennifer Schroeder


Academic librarianship embodies life-long learning and propels us to continue to grow, adapt, connect and engage with our students...and our colleagues. As an academic librarian

Jenny Dale

I decided I wanted to be a librarian after working as an undergraduate student assistant in a small branch library. The branch librarian was so

Jenny Horton


Academic librarianship is the best way to continually learn because as I provide assistance to students and faculty I learn a little about everything they

Jermaine Dennis


Hello ACRL Members, First and foremost, I am honored that the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) has recognized me as the Student Member

Jessica Critten


I'm writing this on the first day of the semester and the library is full of people, full of energy. Every one here is working

Jessica Dai


As an early career and resident librarian, I felt a lot of pressure to be a good librarian to prove my worth and land a

Jessica Epstein


A mentor and friend told me years ago I should be a librarian because I was a generalist, and librarianship was the only profession where

Jessica Thorlakson

We are privileged to be both surrounded by and tied to research and knowledge creation, and in doing so have the opportunity to impact our

Jill Sodt


I am glad that my current job allows me to be both a library director and a librarian. As someone who is naturally curious and

Jillian Eslami


Being an academic librarian, and working with first year students, is kind of the best. I love being able to wear a few different hats