Natalie Ornat

I feel incredibly lucky to do this work. As an academic librarian, I want our students to be critical information seekers, users, and creators, not

Nicole Pagowsky


Something I think about often is just how invisible the work of academic librarianship can be, particularly in a liaison role and especially when having

Nimisha Bhat


Whenever students or faculty ask what I can do for them, I always say that I'm the conduit between their inspiration and the resources that

Pam Lach


I work hard to help faculty, staff, and students have transformational experiences related to the equitable and critical use of technology. Whether it's exposing them

Patrice Green


Helping people on their research journeys is a whole new world of discovery on all ends. Performing reference is like conducting a mini investigation or

Patrice-Andre "Max" Prud'homme


I became interested in library and information science while working as an instructional designer. I soon realized that it was what I wanted to do

Paula C Johnson


Academic libraries are critical partners to the research and learning missions of any campus. I'm grateful to be working where education, creativity and exploration are

Peggy Nzomo


Academic Librarianship allows me to engage with both research and practice aspects of LIS and not feel like I have to do one at the

Philip C. Shackelford

One of my favorite aspects of this job is the freedom to be involved in a wide variety of different things. This profession affords me

Rachael Elrod


I love that as an academic librarian, I can assist patrons, teach classes, lead workshops, supervise a library, and delve into areas I am passionate

Rebecca Bramlett


While I started library school thinking I would become a history librarian at an academic library, I'm grateful for the opportunities I've received that have

Rebekah McKinney


I love seeing a person's eyes light up when they learn something new! My ultimate career goal was to be a teacher, but circumstances kept

Renae Watson


I took a circuitous route to librarianship, so I appreciate how my role varies day to day and draws from different disciplines or areas of

Robin Canuel


I’ve worked in university libraries going all the way back to my undergraduate days at McGill University, first as a shelver and later as a

Russel Peterson


My journey to becoming an academic librarian has manifested a lot of full-circle moments. When I first started college as a TRIO/SSS student, I had

Russell Michalak

My current position as Director of the Library, Archives, and Learning Center at my current institution and extensive experiences in academic research libraries has provided

Sabine Jean Dantus


Life as an academic librarian is incredibly rewarding. It's a role that allows me to continuously learn, collaborate with diverse individuals, and make meaningful contributions

Sam Johnson


Not my words, BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE! Mahatma Gandi I believe libraries are an excellent resource for community development, connecting, and inspiring

Sam Mandani


Though I'm an early career academic librarian, I am so far enjoying the work that I'm doing. I can extend my work in a lot

Samantha Godbey

I work in the vibrant community of Las Vegas, at one of the most diverse universities in the nation, so this work is important to

Samantha Harlow


I have had a variety of different jobs throughout my career in academics, but working with online and distance students is where I truly found

Samantha Schmehl Hines

I had the serendipitous luck to fall into a profession that I do passably well at and that I enjoy thoroughly, and one that allows

Sandra Aya Enimil


Since I hold both law and library degrees and briefly worked as an attorney, I get asked about differences between librarianship and legal practice. There

Sandra C. McCarthy


I am a lifelong learner. Libraries and librarianship are evolving as we define and adapt to our future roles. We must continue to embrace change

Sandy Hervieux


One of my favorite parts of being an academic librarian is the opportunity to collaborate with colleagues who have different expertise than I do. I’ve

Sara Belasco


In a previous internship I worked on a manuscript cataloging project, and while that fulfilled my individual rare materials nerdyness, I realized that I need

Sara Benson


I truly value my work as a librarian because I get to help people at their point of need. I also enjoy my research where

Sara DeSantis


The life as an academic librarian is filled with different things each day. I can work collaboratively with my co-workers, students, and faculty/staff on important

Sara Holder


I am not someone who always wanted to be a librarian – I kind of stumbled into it after trying out several other careers. I

Sarah Horowitz


We are at a critical time in the special collections field. We have been talking for several years about issues of precarious labor in the