Jillian Sparks


I love being a special collections librarian with a focus on instruction and outreach. I find books as material objects endlessly fascinating and it is

Jina DuVernay

I always wanted to be that person who said that they loved their job, that they would do their job even if they were not

Jo Ann Murphy


As I get closer to retirement, I reflect on my academic librarianship journey that has taken me to three university libraries in three Canadian provinces

John D. Brdecka


I tell people that I backed my way into being an academic librarian because I had an unconventional start in academia: my first job out

Jordan S. Sly


I am extraordinarily lucky and thankful for my position and career. I've worked very hard, as those close to me know. There was a time

Joyce Garczynski

As the mother of twins, work-life balance is something that is very important to me. The topic is reflected in my scholarship: I have presented

Juli McLoone


My favorite part of my job is working with the classes that come to special collections. This is ironic, because I'm actually quite a nervous

Julia Maxwell


I became an academic librarian because I believe that our role in the scholarly community is one that can help learners grow in academic confidence

Jung Mi Scoulas, PhD


When I was a graduate student, I needed a place to study and needed resources (e.g., journals), and services (e.g., how to manage my citations)

Justin Fuhr


Academic librarianship is such a great field; it’s so varied, there’s something new every day. I love that alongside my professional duties, I can work

Justin Torres


Being an early career librarian, I have been lucky enough to have great support from my colleagues and those close to me which has helped

Kaitlyn L. Tanis


I have been working as an academic librarian for a year and a half now; it has really been a whirlwind of new information, faces

Kalan Knudson Davis

I have been so incredibly blessed by library mentors in my life who have challenged, encouraged, and helped me grow. I’m so grateful for you

Karen O'Grady


An embedded librarian is a happy librarian! I think every college campus should go with this model of embedding a librarian into each school. All

Kari D. Weaver


Whenever people ask me what libraries are in this modern age, I say they're stuff (collections) and space + people and expertise. When most of

Karna Younger

Academic librarians have the power to make higher education more affordable, authentic, and inclusive. No one can do this work alone, though, which is why

Kate Ghezzi-Kopel


We live in a world of information overload, and I so enjoy working closely with researchers as an academic librarian to help them navigate the

Kate L Ganski

I think academic libraries will continue to be staffed by talented professionals for the years to come. Our libraries need librarians from diverse backgrounds with

Kathleen Baril


I am lucky to have found a profession that is very supportive and continues to work to be better. I am especially glad to see

Kathy Anders


I love the opportunities for interdisciplinary work in libraries. In my job, I get to work with graduate students from across all departments. It is

Katie Henningsen


In the past couple of years, I have been thinking more about balance; for myself, my team, and what that might look like in the

Katie Hutchison

I tell students all the time that being an academic librarian is a lot of fun because I am constantly learning! I work as a

Katie Odhner


Learning brings me joy. This is what first drew me to libraries, because information is the tool that powers learning. My favorite part of being

Kaya van Beynen


Its all about engagement; stay interested, keep an open mind, and keep on trying to bring people together to build something more than the sum

Kayla Kuni


Being an academic librarian is a really fun job! I have enjoyed the transition from public to academic librarianship; however, I wish there was more

Kayo Shintaku

I think the roles of an academic library have been expanding in the way that the library is a mediator for collaborations across colleges and

Kelli Anne Gecawich


Libraries have been a part of my life since I was a small child. Books were always available when I was growing up, and my

Kelly Getz


My path to academic librarianship was a winding one. My undergraduate education was in Chemistry. I was a high school science teacher before going to

Kim Bell


As Services Coordinator for W.D. Jordan Rare Books and Special Collections Library, I have multiple job responsibilities and wear many hats, which makes for exciting

Kim Pittman

I love being a librarian primarily because of the people it brings me into contact with, including students, colleagues, faculty, mentors, and collaborators. Being part