Describe yourself in three words

Resourceful, reliable, curious.

What are you reading (or listening to on your mobile device)?


I just finished listening to Carmen Maria Machado's original and wonderful short story collection "Her Body and Other Parties". I'm currently digging into Safiya Umoja Noble's eye-opening "Algorithms of Oppression".

Describe ACRL in three words:

Community, resources, network.

What do you value about ACRL?


As a long-time member, I appreciate the resources and learning opportunities ACRL has provided to keep me up-to-date with trends and changes in the field. I also deeply value the networking opportunities and connections I've made with other librarians.

What do you as an academic librarian contribute to your campus?


I am very fortunate that my role as a Distance Learning Librarian allows me to contribute to my campus in multiple ways. I teach, coordinate an Embedded Librarian program, help create and maintain our information literacy learning objects and resources, and serve on many institutional committees that strive to create a more equitable and inclusive campus for our students. I really enjoy working with so many different individuals from all areas of the college.

In your own words


Early in my career, I was very focused on what I could contribute to my library and institution. At this stage, I have come to appreciate how much I have gained from the opportunities I have been given. I am deeply grateful to have worked with teaching faculty and mentor librarians who have challenged me to become a better librarian, educator, advocate, and equity practitioner. I'm also grateful for the amazing students I get to work with every day. Helping students succeed never gets old.

Credentials:MSLIS, MA (she/her/hers)

Title:Professor and Distance Learning Librarian

Workplace:Elgin Community College

Location:Elgin, IL