Corliss Lee


My colleague Brian Lym and I co-edited an ACRL publication, “Implementing Excellence in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: A Handbook for Academic Libraries,” a process made

Crystal Renfro


It is amazing to me how everything in my life seems to find its way into my librarianship and, conversely, how my librarianship seeps into

Damiana Fortenberry


The desire to help people is first and foremost in my mind when I think about what I do, and I think that would be

Danielle M. Cowles


As I approach my graduation in December, I become more aware of the responsibilities that fall on the shoulders of all librarians. It is daunting

Dawn Behrend


I have always held a deep love for libraries and felt a calling to be librarian. I feel so fortunate each day that I get

Debbie Feisst

We in higher education are privileged to spend our daily work lives in an environment that values curiosity, discovery and lifelong learning. I know how

Deepa Banerjee


I have been really enjoying the multifaceted aspect of subject librarianship. Each day brings endless possibilities of learning or trying something new. Whether it is

E. Haven Hawley


I’ve often talked about archives as a profession where we are always walking with people through grief and loss, as well as experiencing it ourselves

Elizabeth (Beth) Brown

Librarianship can lead you in many directions in your career. With ACRL I have been able to grow and learn in my career to build

Elizabeth Johnson


What I do daily is stand at the gap. Some days I stand symbolically, but most days, I stand literally. I assist colleagues, students, and

Emily Bongiovanni


I love being an academic librarian. My day-to-day work ranges all across the board, and I get to connect with students and faculty in a

Emily Ford


I believe that librarianship is a human-centered praxis and I approach my work through that lens. Stories are a huge part of what we do

Emily Frigo

I am the mother of two toddlers and who amaze, marvel, and startle me each day. I enjoy how visible, and at times, how quick

Emily Rimland


Within my role, I often feel that I have a foot in two different worlds of librarianship--the traditional and the emerging, the general and the

Emily Vickers

As I finish up my first year in the profession, I’m starting to notice and appreciate how much I am challenged to learn and adapt

Emily Zerrenner


When I was in high school, I actually got "librarian" on one of those career quizzes you take in freshman year or so. It's also

Erica Ann Watson


Not to sound corny, but being a librarian is the bee’s knees. When I decided to change careers to academia, I did not think I

Erin Blake


While getting my PhD in Art History, I realized pretty quickly that the fun part for me was doing the research, organizing the information, and

Erin Owens


My grandmother was a librarian, spending parts of her long career in both public and academic libraries before ending up in special libraries. She always

Erin Roper


I’m very fortunate to be able to see positive outcomes in the community that are related to my efforts in the workplace. Not every job

Fabio Montella


Academic librarians are needed more than ever before. What was once seen as a dying profession has become, in the eyes of many, a profession

Gene R. Springs

Working in academic research libraries for the better part of the last fourteen years has taught me that the only constant is change. Much of

Geoff Johnson


Listen to students! Make space for them to tell you what they need. Make space for them to help each other. Be suspicious of anyone

Giovanna R. Colosi


I changed careers in my 40's which was scary and also exciting! I am so happy I made the plunge because as an academic librarian

Glenda Insua


Being an academic librarian isn’t glamorous, and the profession has its problems (its overwhelming whiteness being one) but it’s allowed me to interact with really

Hallie Clawson


I’ve only been a degreed, official librarian for a year now, and since my current position is temporary I’m still trying to find my place

Hannah Gascho Rempel


I appreciate variety in my day-to-day work and academic librarianship has given me the opportunity to explore interests from instruction to project management to various

Hanwen Dong


I like to think that I stumbled upon librarianship by accident because when I went to library school, I did not have a clear goal

Harvey Long


I might suffer from a mild case of what Fobazi Ettarh describes as vocational awe, but I'm trying to show our undergraduates the magic of

Heather VanDyne


Becoming an academic librarian has taught me a lot about myself as a librarian as well as what type of person I am. It has