Describe yourself in three words

Curious, creative, compassionate.

What are you reading (or listening to on your mobile device)?


I just finished T. Kingfisher's Saint of Steel series, and have started Kelly Robson's "High Times in the Low Parliament" (all recommended!)

Describe ACRL in three words:

Resources, support, community.

What do you value about ACRL?


I value the opportunity for professional community that ACRL provides, particularly as the parent organization of the Rare Books and Manuscripts Section (RBMS). I work at an institution where I am *the* rare books person, and the RBMS conference, RBM Journal, and other RBMS resources have helped expand my knowledge and critically examine the work I do in Special Collections. Beyond these resources, volunteering with RBMS has provided me with a network of supportive, knowledgeable professionals. I've appreciated the opportunity to give back to the organization that helped me navigate the field.

What do you as an academic librarian contribute to your campus?


As the Special Collections Librarian, I curate/manage Carleton College's rare books collection. My goal is to make accessing the collection as least intimidating as possible. (Special Collections is for everyone in the community). Much of my time is spent providing bibliographically informed/primary source literacy instruction to undergraduate classes with rare books. Teaching gives me the opportunity to think creatively and across disciplines - I've had data visualization and geometry classes come visit Special Collections. To promote the collection, I engage in outreach - organizing lectures, exhibits, social media, and pop up events. I also manage the rare books vault, acquire new books for the collection for the purpose of supporting the college curriculum, and other things as they come up!

In your own words


While I started library school thinking I would become a history librarian at an academic library, I'm grateful for the opportunities I've received that have helped me work in this field. I love the variety of responsibilities with my work, and I can't imagine doing anything else.


Title:Special Collections Librarian

Workplace:Carleton College

Location:Northfield, MN