Student Chapter Answers

This FAQ helps explain how the and Student Chapters partnership works and provides easy access to resources for Student Chapters. It also shows ways to get involved in Student Chapters.



This page is designed to guide and assist already established . If you are interested in starting an Student Chapter, visit .

If you have other questions about the Student Chapters, contact Mariel Colbert at the . See also , , and , or find them all at .

Student Chapter Answers: Resources

On this page you will find What Are the Student Chapters?, Chapter and Student Chapter Resources , Leading Your Chapter, and Who to Contact at the for Answers about Student Chapters?

On this page you will find What Can the Student Chapters Do for Themselves and Others?, Promote the Joint Student Membership Program, Raise Money to Support Your Chapter, Brainstorm, Arrange for Visits, Arrange Tours and Other Get-togethers, Participate, Social Network, Help Others/Transform Your Communities, Establish a Relationship with Your State Library Association, Do I have to be an member to belong to an Student Chapter?, Membership Drives for Your Student Chapter, Membership and Elections, and Other Student Groups.

On this page you will find What Does Do to Help Student Chapters?, Provides Ways for Members to Contact Congress and Contact State and Local Representatives, Provides a Business E-list and Student Chapter Directory, Student-to-Staff Program, Volunteering at Conference, Encourages Ways to Participate in , Provides Information about Jobs , Provides Monetary Support for Your Chapter, Encourages Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Provides Information about Awards, Grants, Scholarships , Provides Promotional Materials and More, Provides Accreditation, Public Awareness Campaign, Social Media, and New Members Round Table Student Chapter of the Year Award