Accessibility Assembly



To advance 's continuing commitment to diversity and to accessibility of library and information services for all, including people with physical, sensory or mental disabilities, as reflected in the policy on library services to people with disabilities; (54.3.2); to facilitate communication among units, members and affiliated groups regarding issues such as equitable access to programs, services, collections, and facilities for library users with disabilities, employment of people with disabilities, and library accessibility policies; to encourage manufacturers and vendors to develop library products and materials using the principles of universal design; to advance optimal accessibility of services and programs; to develop and promote strategies for the recruitment of people with disabilities into the library and information science profession; and, to advance coordinating and cooperation of efforts within and the profession to meet the challenges of providing access to all.

Library Accessibility Toolkits: What You Need to Know


  • Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) [Toolkit Under Construction]



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