e-Forum Instructions


Core e-Forums provide an opportunity for librarians and library workers to discuss matters of interest, led by a moderator, through the e-Forum discussion list. It works like an email mailing list: register your email address, and then you will receive messages and communicate with other participants through an email discussion.

Please review the before registering.

Each of the two days, a series of questions will be posted to the list for participants to answer. A summary of the discussion will be posted at the end of each day.


The Core e-Forum mailing list is hosted on a platform called Groups.io.

Please take a moment to subscribe to the new list by sending an email to core-eforum+subscribe@groups.io. Your message can be empty. Your request will be approved within 1-2 business days. You will receive a welcome email from groups.io with instructions on how to create a user account to manage your notification settings.

If you have questions or need assistance, please write to core-eforum+help@groups.io.