Core Reading Club Facilitation Team



Shares ideas, builds relationships, and facilitates learning together through reading and discussing books, articles, and other materials of interest to Core members through the .

Expectations of CRCFT members:

  • Each member will select a reading and develop and facilitate a member engagement activity (e.g., asynchronous Connect discussion, real-time Zoom session, author Q&A with member questions, etc.) for that reading. The goal is for the group to host at least one Core Reading Club member engagement activity per month.
  • All members will contribute ideas for encouraging member engagement focused on reading and will implement such ideas as appropriate.
  • All members will participate in Core Reading Club member engagement activities as their schedule permits.


Thomas Ferren
(Staff Liaison, August 20, 2024, to August 20, 2099)
Julie Reese
(Staff Liaison, July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2030)
Contact Core
(Staff, January 24, 2024, to June 30, 2050)

Displaying active committee roster as of 09/18/2024. Last retrieved on 09/18/2024. Refresh now.



  • View this group's activity reports


Consists of a representative from each section appointed by each section's leadership plus six at-large member volunteers. Terms are for one year with an option to renew for one year.



About this Committee



  • Hosts at least one member engagement activity and facilitates discussion around a reading or related content monthly.

Expected Time Commitment

  • Each member of the CRCFT will select a reading and develop and facilitate a member engagement activity (e.g., asynchronous Connect discussion, real-time Zoom session, author Q&A with member questions, etc.) for a monthly reading;
  • Holds virtual meetings as necessary; requires no face-to-face meetings each year, and participants are not required to attend any in-person events.

Desired Skills, Knowledge, and Experience

  • Readers' advisory experience helpful.