Preservation in Action


PIA: preservation in action logo

Preservation in Action (PiA) is a program sponsored by the Core: Leadership, Infrastructure, Futures Preservation Outreach Committee, in support of 's Libraries Transform initiative. The program is intended to promote an understanding of the importance of preservation while engaging with cultural heritage collections in conference locations.

Preservation in Action Events

Note: We will not be holding an event at the 2022 Annual Conference & Exhibition in Washington, DC.

Each year during the Annual Conference & Exhibition, PiA holds a day-long preservation project in the local community where the conference is held. No experience is required and the event is free with conference registration.

Preservation in Action in the News

Preservation in Action Event Photos


PiA 2019 PiA 2019 PiA 2019
PiA 2019 PiA 2019 PiA 2019


PiA 2018 PiA 2018 PiA 2018
PiA 2018 PiA 2018 PiA 2018


PiA 2017 PiA 2017 PiA 2017
PiA 2017 PiA 2017 PiA 2017


PiA 2016 PiA 2016 PiA 2016
PiA 2016 PiA 2016 PiA 2016