Value of Academic Libraries: Publications


ACRL publishes a wide variety of titles related to the value of academic libraries. Select research reports and other publications are below. Check out the for links to more publications.



ACRL's Standards for Libraries in Higher Education are an essential part of the Value of Academic Libraries initiatives.

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ACRL's scholarly research journal College & Research Libraries (C&RL) regularly publishes articles on the value of academic libraries. Visit the for more original research.

Mary K. O’Kelly, Jon Jeffryes, Maya Hobscheid, and Rachael Passarelli. "." (January 2023)

Rachel Ivy Clarke, Katerina Lynn Stanton, Alexandra Grimm, and Bo Zhang. "." (November 2022)

Jung Mi Scoulas and Sandra L. De Groote. "." (May 2022)

Catherine Meals. "." (January 2022)

Jennifer Rowe, Julie Leuzinger, Carol Hargis, and Karen R. Harker. "." (January 2021)

(April 2020)