Value of Academic Libraries Report


The ACRL publication Value of Academic Libraries: A Comprehensive Research Review and Report is a review of the quantitative and qualitative literature, methodologies and best practices currently in place for demonstrating the value of academic libraries, developed for ACRL by of the iSchool at Syracuse University. The primary objective of this comprehensive review is to provide academic librarians with a clearer understanding of what research about the performance of academic libraries already exists, where gaps in this research occur, and to identify the most promising best practices and measures correlated to performance.

Full Report (PDF) | Executive Summary (PDF) | Bibliography (PDF)

The Value of Academic Libraries Report is now available for purchase in print from and .

Report author Megan Oakleaf and past ACRL President Lisa Hinchliffe discuss the report in this ACRL Podcast. [ 25:14 ]

Media Coverage of the VAL Report

Michael Kelley. “.” Library Journal Online. November 2, 2011.

Andy Havens and Tim Storey. “” Next Space: The OCLC Newsletter. December 2010.

Jennifer Howard. “.” Chronicle of Higher Education. September 14, 2010.

Steven Kolowich. “.” Inside Higher Ed. September 14, 2010.

Daniel Fusch. “.” Academic Impressions. September 16, 2010.

Josh Hadro. “.” Library Journal Online. September 14, 2010.

Additional Resoures Discussing the VAL Report

Lluís Anglada. “.” Bdig (biblioteques digitals i cooperació). February 21, 2011. {Spanish language}

Steven Bell. “.” ACRLog. February 15, 2011.

David Shulenburger. “.” Library Assessment Conference, Baltimore. December 2010.

Ángel Borrego. “¿” blok de bid. November 16, 2010. {Spanish language}

Stephen Abram. “.” Stephen’s Lighthouse. November 1, 2010.

Carl Grant. “.” Commentary from Carl Grant. October 21, 2010.

“.” LAUW Journal Club blog. October 19, 2010. Note: Contains discussion of Value Report.

Megan Oakleaf. “Interview on the Value of Academic Libraries Report.” . September 25, 2010. Note: The audio interview begins at 3:30 in the September 25, 2010 edition.

Felix Chu. “.” Felix Chu’s Blog. September 24, 2010.

Phil Davis. “.” The Scholarly Kitchen. September 22, 2010.

Stephen Abram. “.” Stephen’s Lighthouse. September 19, 2010.

Amy Fry and Steven Bell. “.” ACRLog. September 17, 2010.

Christopher Barth. “.” Luther College LIS This Week in LIS. September 17, 2010.

Barbara Fister. “.” Inside Higher Ed BlogU. September 17, 2010.

Barbara Fister. “Valuing Libraries – Peer to Peer Review.” Library Journal blog. September 16, 2010.

“.” Syracuse iSchool News. September 14, 2010.