ACRL Forms


Below are HTML and PDF versions of a range of ACRL forms to help you in your work with the association. The forms in PDF format require . If it is a fillable PDF form, you must first save the form on your computer before filling it out and sending it in. Otherwise it will not save your data. If you experience any problems with these forms, please contact Dawn Mueller.

Reimbursement Requests

Reimbursement Request | Excel

ACRL Board of Director Requests: Actions, Discussions, Petitions

Board of Directors Action Form | WORD
Board of Directors Discussion Form | WORD
Board of Directors Cover Form | WORD
( e-Petition)
Board of Directors Action Form to Establish a Division-level Committee | WORD
( e-Petition)
Board of Directors Action Form to Establish a Division-Level Discussion Group | WORD
Board of Directors Action Form to Establish a Division-level Task Force | WORD
( e-Petition)
Board of Directors Action Form to Establish an Interest Group | WORD
( e-Petition)
Board of Directors Action Form to Establish a Section | WORD
Form for Disbanding an Interest Group | PDF (First save file to desktop, then complete, resave, and send)
Form for Renewing an Interest Group | PDF (First save file to desktop, then complete, resave, and send)
Program Proposal (Details available )

Publications Forms

ACRL Publications Agreements FAQ | HTML
C&RL (journal) Author Agreement | PDF
C&RL News Author Agreement | accepted authors will be sent agreements
Chapter Author Agreement | PDF
Podcast Agreement | PDF
Book Proposal |
RBM Author Agreement | accepted authors will be sent agreements
Transmittal Form for Draft ACRL Standards, Guidelines, and Frameworks | WORD | PDF

Volunteer Forms and Applications (members only)

Division Volunteer Form | HTML
Section Volunteer Form | HTML
Membership Application PDF
Request to be Nominated to IFLA | WORD
Scholarship Application PDF | HTML

Report Templates

ACRL Officer Report Template | WORD
ACRL Representative Report Template | WORD
ACRL Division-level Committee Report and Work Plan Template | WORD