ACRL Statement on Academic Freedom


Approved by the ACRL Board of Directors during the Annual Conference, June 2015

Reaffirmed by the ACRL Board of Directors, June 2022

Librarians have a long history and practice of defending the free expression of ideas. The “” (2008) states that “we are members of a profession explicitly committed to intellectual freedom and the freedom of access to information.” In the context of higher education, intellectual freedom is closely associated with academic freedom. The “” (2012) states that “[c]ollege and university librarians share the professional concerns of faculty members. Academic freedom is indispensable to librarians in their roles as teachers and researchers.”

The Association of College and Research Libraries, in accordance with our professional standards and stated commitments, opposes any actions that limit the free expression of ideas of librarians and faculty on campus, in the classroom, in writing, and in the public sphere, especially in the context of higher education and its traditional support for academic freedom. Further, the Association of College and Research Libraries opposes retaliation for the expression of those ideas. A free and vigorous exchange of ideas is integral to sustaining an environment in which teaching, learning, and research may thrive.

Other relevant documents:

Endorsed by 1946 | Reaffirmed by 2006 | Endorsed by ACRL 2007

Passed by Council 2000 | Endorsed by AAUP 2000