Section Chair Calendar



  • Section chair begins term of office at the close of the final day of the Annual Conference.
  • Sends final appointment changes, additions, or deletions to ACRL staff.
  • Section chair ensures that all section committees, task forces, and discussion groups send minutes to ACRL two weeks after the Annual Conference.
  • Section chair checks with nominating committee to ensure they invite nominees to become candidates for office by July 31.


  • Send all reimbursement requests by section members for expenditures to ACRL by August 15 for processing before the end of the ACRL budget year.
  • fiscal year ends on August 31. Chair receives notice of current budget allocations in early October.


  • Fiscal year begins September 1.
  • Section nominating committees submit names of candidates for spring ballot with formal letters of consent by mid September.
  • Special Event Request form due if planning an event at the upcoming Midwinter Meeting.
  • Meeting space request forms for Midwinter meetings due in early September. Section chair must submit forms for all section committees and discussion groups..


  • AV requests for Midwinter Meeting due no later than October 15.
  • Section candidate’s completed biographical information due in online submission form by October 31.
  • Meeting space requests for Annual Conference meetings due in late-October. Section chair must submit forms for all section committees and discussion groups, except for the unit's program (if applicable). ACRL staff schedule all programs.


  • Deadline for submitting fund raising plans for Annual Conference programs to ACRL Executive Director is November 30.


  • Nominations and applications for ACRL awards due first Friday in December.
  • Submit items for ACRL Board review at Midwinter to ACRL by December 3.
  • Program proposals and budget requests for next year's preconferences due in the ACRL Office by December 7.
  • Section award committees notify ACRL office of nominations by December 10.
  • Agendas and schedules of Midwinter meetings due mid-December.


  • Media profiles for award recipients due one week after Midwinter.
  • Annual Conference preliminary program descriptions due mid January.
  • Chair of Program Planning Committee submits names, addresses, and information about Annual Conference program speakers to ACRL Program Officer.

Midwinter Meeting

  • ACRL Board approves preconference proposals and bylaws changes for the spring ballot.


  • Section chair ensures that all section committees, task forces, and discussion groups send minutes to ACRL two weeks after the Midwinter Meeting.
  • Special Event Request form due if planning an event at the upcoming Annual Conference.
  • Letters of agreement and contracts sent to preconference speakers by ACRL staff.
  • Committee volunteer deadline is February 15.
  • AV requests for Annual Conference due no later than February 15..


  • Section vice chairs finalizes section appointments by March 31.
  • Letters of agreement and speakers releases due from Annual Conference program speakers.


  • Deadline to update award announcements is April 20.


  • Receive instructions for Plan for Excellence Implementation Report, which is due in mid-July.
  • Deadline for submitting items to the ACRL Board for Annual Conference meeting is early May.


  • Chair arranges for transferring of current files to successor, and sends old files for archival records to ACRL staff.
  • Agendas and schedules of Annual Conference meetings due mid-June.

Annual Conference

  • Section chair discusses with the vice-chair the work and direction of the section and any specific responsibilities which have been assumed by committee members.
  • Meetings of he section executive committee and regular committee meetings take place at Annual Conference.


  • Plan for Excellence Implementation Report due in mid July.


  • All reimbursement requests due to ACRL office by August 15. /ACRL fiscal year ends August 31.