ACRL Liaisons Grant Funding Request Template 2024-2025


Each Liaisons Grant Funding Request must address the following five points. See the sample below for guidance. Address questions to the .

  1. Description of activities/projects proposed for the upcoming year(s) with accompanying time frame
  2. Outcomes
  3. Assessment Plan
  4. Relationship to
  5. Funding request


  1. Description of activities/projects proposed for the upcoming year(s) with accompanying time frame

Over the next year, I will continue to build the relationship between the American Anthropological Association (AAA) and the Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) by attending the AAA Annual Meeting November 29th-December 3rd in Washington, DC, participating in continuing initiatives around information literacy and scholarly publishing and pursuing other outreach and engagement opportunities. My previous five years as liaison to AAA provide a foundation for this year’s goals to strengthen existing partnerships in area of scholarly communication and advance collaborations with anthropology faculty in the area of student learning, particularly as the ACRL Anthropology and Sociology Section (ANSS) works to shift from the disciplinary standards to the framework. A majority of my liaison activities take place during the AAA Annual Meeting but committee work and outreach initiatives span the entire year.

I continue to serve on AAA’s Publishing Futures Committee (PFC) as the Librarian/Archivist representative. This committee recommends publishing policies and determines the direction of AAA’s future dissemination of anthropological research. I serve on a subcommittee that is examining the future of anthropology scholarly publishing and creating a vision for the next steps in the AAA publishing portfolio. Additionally, this committee is working with Wiley to create a taxonomy for AnthroSource, the database of AAA’s journals and a core anthropology resource. I am one of four committee members working on the creation of this taxonomy and am using feedback from other academic librarians to assist in creating this taxonomy which will make AnthroSource a more robust product for librarians, faculty, and students.

At the annual meeting, I will attend the PFC committee meeting which will address many issues including new contract for the journal portfolio publishing partner and examining the financial status of the different sections and journal titles. Along with other PFC members, I will organize and conduct a three-hour forum aimed at AAA journal editors that will examine publishing workflows and explore options for enhancing content and making it more widely available. Additionally, I will attend other publishing related events including an editors’ meeting and sessions organized by AAA members around open access and publishing issues.

I continue to collaborate with ACRL’s Anthropology and Sociology Section (ANSS) Instruction and Information Literacy committee move forward with a disciplinary version of the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education. The Information Literacy Standards for Anthropology and Sociology Students were approved and adopted in 2008 but the ANSS committee is working on disciplinary specific companion documents to the framework. The goal is to connect with two anthropology faculty members who can serve as advisors for the process. During last year’s AAA Annual Meeting, I attended the Teaching Anthropology Interest Group (TAIG) meeting where I briefly discussed this project. The project was still in its early stages and I aim to have more information about the goals and process to attract anthropology faculty collaborators.

In addition to these activities, I continue to find avenues to share my liaison experience with ACRL and its members. I work to locate and create spaces to for information sharing about my liaison activities.

  1. Outcomes

Sample 1

My liaison work with AAA provides great insight into the workings of a scholarly society whose focus is on research dissemination while highlighting issues and trends that I in turn share with other academic librarians. My main outcomes for this year include:

  • Journal editors attending scholarly publishing trends forum will explore ways to shift a large publishing portfolio to a more open system and identify common open access misperceptions.
  • Demonstrate the value of scholarly society-librarian collaboration by contributing to taxonomy for AnthroSource.
  • Form partnership between ANSS Instruction and Information Literacy committee and AAA General Anthropology Divison’s Teaching Anthropology Interest Group in order to develop disciplinary version of the Framework.

Sample 2

  • FYE professionals attending the presentation will be know the relationship between use of library resources and achievement of first-year student learning outcomes.
  • FYE professionals in collaboration with the liaison will identify potential partnerships between academic librarians and FYE programs to measure and achieve institutional student learning outcomes.
  1. Assessment

Sample 1

  • Evaluation after the forum will examine editors’ perceptions of open access and future directions for their publications as well as barriers to shifting to an OA model.
  • Taxonomy for AnthroSource will be completed.
  • One to three anthropology faculty members will agree to serve as advisors on the creation of disciplinary companion documents.

Sample 2

Outcomes will be measured by 1) tracking number of attendees at presentation reporting on the impact of academic library use for first-year student learning outcomes and 2) discussion during and after the presentation focused on partnerships between librarians and FYE program that have the potential to achieve institutional outcomes.

4. Relationship to ACRL Strategic Goals

Sample 1

These projects closely align with ACRL’s “Plan for Excellence”, most notably the areas of Student Learning and Research and Scholarly Environment. Participation in AAA’s Publishing Futures Committee provides an academic librarian voice in the transition to open access which supports the goal of librarians accelerating the transition to a more open system of scholarship. Additionally, I am able to clarify the libraries’ role in scholarly communication initiatives ranging from supporting OA initiatives, working with libraries as publishers, and the library acquisition process which is often absent in scholarly society and publisher discussions.

My AAA liaison work closely aligns with promoting the value of academic libraries particularly with objective 2: “Promote the impact and value of academic and research libraries to the higher education community”.

My continued work with the ACRL ANSS Instruction and Information Literacy Committee and creating connections within AAA regarding information literacy support the student learning goal of the “Plan for Excellence” with focus on objectives 2 & 3:

  • Increase the impact of information literacy by forming strategic partnerships with relevant organizations.
  • Build capacity for librarians to collaborate with faculty and other campus partners in instructional and curricular design and delivery that will integrate information literacy into student learning.

Sample 2

Strategic Goal 2 calls for academic libraries to demonstrate alignment with and impact on institution outcomes. FYE programs are design to meet institutional goals related to academic success, student engagement, and retention. Having previously cultivated a research opportunity to look at the impact of academic library use on first-year student learning outcomes at my campus, I am now in the position to promote the impact of academic libraries to the higher education community, specifically to the FYE community.

My work also connects to Strategic Goal 2, which calls for librarians to advance innovative practices and environments that transform student learning. By reporting on a successful partnership between librarians and a FYE program at the conference, I am able to articulate the role of librarians in setting, achieving, and measuring institutional student learning outcomes.

5. Funding Request

I am requesting $1800 for fiscal year 2020-21 to cover the costs of attending the AAA Annual Meeting in Washington, DC from November 28th-December 3rd, 2021. This will cover $250 for AAA registration, $400 airfare from Denver to Minneapolis, $50 for transportation and $800 for hotel expenses and $300 for meals (per diem). This liaison relationship is sponsored by the Anthropology and Sociology Section which may provide some funding (approximately $100).

Thank you to Juliann Couture for sharing her grant request for this template.