2010 Annual Conference Program


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News Literacy and Preservation:
Finding, Using, and Losing the News

Saturday, June 26, 2010
1:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Renaissance-Congressional Hall A/B

In the age of blogging, wikis, and social networking, the ways we harvest news are changing and the proliferation and transitory nature of news creates archiving challenges. How do we help students integrate and evaluate nontraditional news sources versus established journalistic practices? How do we preserve and provide access to both traditional and nontraditional sources? Join EBSS in a panel discussion on the issues of news literacy and preservation.

Program Flyer (.pdf)

The program will be preceded by the EBSS Distinguished Librarian Award presentation to Penny Beile. After the program, please join us for the EBSS Research Forum.

Meg Smith, Researcher, The Washington Post
Hannah Sommers, Broadcast Librarian, National Public Radio
Bernard Reilly, President, Center for Research Libraries
Debora Cheney, Foster Communications Librarian and Head, News and Microforms Library, The Pennsylvania State University Libraries

For more information, please contact Sally Neal, co-Chair of the EBSS Program Planning Committee ( sneal@butler.edu)