PLA Digital Literacy Workshop Incentive, supported by AT&T


PLA Digital Literacy Workshop Training Incentive, supported by AT&T banner

Application Questions

Preparing Your Application

Q: When is the application open?

A: The application will be open May 12–June 11, 2023. To begin the application process, and create a new account or login to your existing account. You may also wish to preview the application as a PDF before getting started.

Q. How long will the application take me to fill out?

A: The application should take no more than 30 minutes to complete. Please review the application questions in advance of completing the application to streamline the process.

Q. Where can I find general writing support?

A. For tips on writing a competitive application, watch the Programming Librarian webinars below:

Q. May I preview the incentive program application before completing it?

A: Yes. Please review the PDF of the incentive program application to review all questions in advance of submission. Please note paper applications are not accepted and the PDF is for review only.

Q. May applications be submitted in hard copy?

A: No, applications may not be submitted in hard copy. To be considered for the incentives, applications must be submitted through ’s award management system by June 11, 2023.

Q. This is my first time applying for funding through 's grants management platform. How do I use the system?

A: For more information about using our grants management system, please visit our How to Apply webpage.

Q. I am an Member, but my login credentials do not work when I try to login to apply. Why is this happening?

A: This application process is conducted through our new grant system which requires a separate login account from your member login. When you are taken to the application page, click “Create Account” under the login information prompts, and you will be taken to the Account Creation page. For more information about using our grants management system, please visit our How to Apply webpage.

Q. My library has multiple branches interested in participating. Can branches apply individually or should we submit a single application?

A: Branches are not able to apply individually and instead should submit a single application for the entire library system.


Library Type

Q. What types of libraries are eligible?

A: All public libraries throughout the United States are eligible to apply. Only complete applications that are submitted by June 11, 2023, 11:59 PM Central will be reviewed.

Q. What do you mean by a rural and/or small community?

A. The Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS) defines a rural community as one that is more than, or equal to, five miles from an urbanized area (defined as a town/city with a population of 25,000 or greater) and small communities to have a population of 25,000 or less.

Q. I work in a tribal library. Is my library eligible to apply?

A. Yes. Tribal libraries serving small and/or rural communities are eligible to apply.

Timeline/Review Process

Q. How many libraries will receive funding?

A. Approximately 215 libraries.

Q. How will I be notified about the status of my application?

A. You will receive a confirmation email as soon as your application is submitted. All applicants will be notified of their status via email the week of June 19, 2023.

Q. If selected, when will my library receive its incentive payment?

A. All accepted libraries will be required to sign an MOU (contract) and submit a W9 by July 14, 2023. Payments will be issued on a rolling basis and can take up to 30 days to process. All payments will be issued by September 8, 2023.

Q. Can I edit my application after it has been submitted?

A. No. Applications cannot be edited once they are submitted.

Q. Is there a way to save a draft of my application and come back to it to complete?

A: Yes. After completing the first, brief section of the online application, you will have multiple opportunities to save your work and return later to edit, review, and submit by the deadline. You can also download and view your application responses as a PDF, prior to submission, by clicking the “Application Packet” button on the upper right corner of the application page.

Q. How will my library’s application be reviewed?

A: All applications will be reviewed, and awardees selected by PLA staff and member volunteers. Attention is given to every aspect of an application, with an attempt made to evaluate how the library will increase digital literacy programming in their community. Adhering to application guidelines will be taken into consideration.

Incentive Information

Incentive Requirements

Q. What is and ?

A: is an online hub for digital literacy support and training. The site launched in June 2012 and builds upon and fosters the work of libraries and community organizations as they work to increase digital literacy across the nation. The home page features self-paced modules. Modules include basic skills such as using a computer, navigating a website, and searching. Modules are video-based with narration, in both English and Spanish, typically 6–22 minutes long, written in plain language, and often at an elementary to middle school reading level.

The training side of the site, , features extensive customizable resources for trainers leading workshops.

All content is free to use. Note that this incentive program exclusively funds use of the workshop materials, not self-paced modules.

Q. Do the workshop materials align with the modules on ? Will trainers use the modules?

A: No. The materials on are not a one-to-one match for the self-paced modules. The workshop materials do not refer to or incorporate any aspect of the self-paced modules. Both share the same learning objectives and after a workshop your attendees can use the self-paced modules to support, practice and expand upon their workshop experience.

Q. Can I create and use my own digital literacy training materials? Can I use non-DigitalLearn materials?

A: No. If your library receives incentive funds through this project, you will be required to use DigitalLearn materials provided by PLA and AT&T. You are welcome to customize these materials and tailor them to meet your needs. Each topic’s materials are extensive and are intended to meet a variety of learner needs. If you make additions, changes, or create supplementary materials that could be utilized by other libraries, please share with the PLA team.

Q. Are we required to work with a community partner?

A: No. You are not required to work with a community partner to be considered for this incentive. However, you may consider working with partners that serve priority audiences such as senior services, groups serving non-English speakers, workforce development, returning citizens, etc. The initial cohort, awarded in 2022, had greater success in recruiting participants when they worked with a community partner.

Q. Are we required to partner with local AT&T representatives?

A: Following the success of the 2022–2023 Digital Literacy Workshop Incentive, supported by AT&T, PLA continues to encourage participating libraries to engage with local AT&T employee representatives and invite volunteer participation in basic-skilling workshops. For basic-skilling workshops where volunteers can be accommodated and where AT&T employees are available to participate, PLA and AT&T will work together to facilitate introductions and connect participating libraries with local AT&T representatives and employee volunteers. Example roles for participating/volunteering AT&T employees may include: providing welcome remarks to attendees; serving as training “floaters” helping to answer learner questions; general event set-up/breakdown/support. In addition, AT&T employees will be encouraged to help promote and amplify workshops in the community using the approved template promotional toolkit materials provided by PLA.

Q. Do we need to be AT&T customers to participate?

A. No, you do not need to be an AT&T customer to participate. This opportunity is open to all public libraries in the United States and Washington, D.C.

Q. How many workshops are required?

A: There is not a set number of workshops required. Each library will need to hold enough workshops to reach a minimum of 36 learners. For some libraries that may be 5 workshops and for others it may take 10 to meet that threshold.

Q. Is there a maximum number of workshops we can do?

A: No.

Q. How many learners should we reach?

A: A minimum of 36 learners. If an individual attends more than one workshop you may count them more than once.

Q. My computer lab does not accommodate 6 or 10 learners at a time. Can I still apply?

A. Yes, we recognize that all logistics are local. As long as your library is able to meet the minimum number of learners by December 31, 2023, you are eligible to apply.

Q. What can I use the funds for?

A. Funds are restricted to DigitalLearn workshop related expenses. These may include, but are not limited to, things such as:

  • Library staff time.
  • Hiring trainers to conduct workshops.
  • Renting space to conduct workshops.
  • Translating materials into languages other than English or Spanish.
  • Hiring a translator or interpreter.
  • Project supplies, including laptops and projectors.
  • Promotion and publicity, including purchasing online ads and banners.
  • Purchase of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and supplies
  • Snacks for attendees at in-person trainings.
  • Giveaways to incentivize attendance.
  • Services to accommodate attendance such as bus passes or childcare.

Q. What criteria will be used in reviewing proposals?

A. Review criteria will consider the following:

  • Overview of the library and the community it serves, including demographics, dynamics, and key issues or challenges it faces in relation to digital literacy.
  • Clear indication of which training materials will be used.
  • Demonstrates how the library will increase digital literacy programming in the community for under-served populations.
  • Presents a compelling case for how the funding will advance library’s efforts in reaching under-represented groups, historically marginalized audiences, or members of your community that your library has not reached previously.
  • Adheres to application guidelines:
    • Targeted marketing and outreach plan for attracting required attendee numbers from the identified under-served/in-need population.
    • Willingness to collaborate with local AT&T representatives, if applicable for your region.
    • Identification of possible partner organization.

Q. Are there any ineligible expenses for the funds?

A. Yes. Funds may not be used to support indirect costs (e.g., general library administrative expenses), capital expenses or as donations to other organizations. Funds cannot be used , such as broadband connections and maintenance.

Q. Our library received funding through e-rate. May we apply for this funding?

Yes. Keep in mind funds cannot be used , such as broadband connections and maintenance. Please contact your state e-rate coordinator if you have detailed questions.

Q. Are capital expenses eligible budget expenses?

A. No, capital expenses are not eligible budget expenses.

Q. How do I know if my planned expenses meet the qualifications of the incentive program?

A. It is difficult to ascertain whether expenses would be considered eligible without seeing the full proposal. As you consider your application, please note that your proposal should focus on delivering digital literacy workshops using the PLA-provided materials. You will need to provide justification for how your proposed spending relates to your planned training. When in doubt, refer to the guidelines to see if your project aligns with the incentive program goals.

Q. Can my workshop be led by an outside facilitator?

A. Yes, your workshop may be led by an internal library staff member or an external facilitator. Funds may be used to hire an external trainer to lead the program(s).

Q. What are the reporting requirements for the incentive program?

A. All participating libraries will be required to complete one report to PLA staff. Reports will be due January 12, 2024, and should include the workshop schedule, topics, and number of attendees. PLA will provide a template.

Additional Questions

Q. I have additional questions about my application. Who can I contact?

A. PLA will host an informational webinar, date and time TBA. The webinar recording will be freely available for viewing. You can also contact at with specific questions not covered here.