Charge from Council


The Public Library Association has specific responsibility for:

  1. Conducting and sponsoring research about how the public library can respond to changing social needs and technical developments.
  2. Developing and disseminating materials useful to public libraries in interpreting public library services and needs.
  3. Conducting continuing education for public librarians by programming at national and regional conferences, by publications such as the newsletter, and by other delivery means.
  4. Establishing, evaluating, and promoting goals, guidelines, and standards for public libraries.
  5. Maintaining liaison with relevant national agencies and organizations engaged in public administration and human services such as National Association of Counties, Municipal League, Commission on Post-Secondary Education.
  6. Maintaining liaisons with other divisions and units of and other library organizations such as the Association of American Library Schools and the Urban Libraries Council.
  7. Defining the role of the public library in service to a wide range of user and potential user groups.
  8. Promoting and interpreting the public library to a changing society through legislative programs and other appropriate means.
  9. Identifying legislation to improve and to equalize support of public libraries.

— Council (1978). Approved by the PLA Board of Directors, Annual Conference 2002, Atlanta, Ga.