Speaker Honoraria and Expense Reimbursement Policies


General policies

  • All speaker honoraria, expense reimbursement, and registration fee waivers must be agreed upon in advance, reviewed by the appropriate PLA committee (PLA Conference Program Subcommittee or Annual Conference Program Subcommittee) and approved by the PLA office.
  • Each speaker approved for honorarium or reimbursement of expenses must sign an /PLA Letter of Agreement in advance of the conference.
  • Requests for reimbursement of approved travel, hotel and per diem expenses must be submitted on the conference Speaker Reimbursement Form within one month of the event with original receipts attached.
  • All speakers are eligible for reimbursement of expenses related to the duplication of handouts for program attendees not to exceed $50 per program. PLA staff should be notified in advance of the conference if speakers intend to request this reimbursement for handout duplication.
  • Honoraria amounts are variable and subject to the approval of appropriate PLA committee and PLA staff.
  • Reimbursement of travel expenses when approved shall not exceed the following:
    • one night of lodging at the single room rate in a conference hotel without incidentals such as movies or use of the health club;
    • meals and ground transportation in amounts not to exceed the per diem established for the host city (check with PLA staff to determine the per diem);
    • airfare to the conference city at the coach or lowest discounted rate available or reimbursement of automobile transportation to the conference site at current approved rate per mile.
  • All speakers approved for travel and housing reimbursement must use PLA travel and housing services to make arrangements.

Specific policies

The following guidelines enable speakers at the PLA Conference and at PLA programs at Annual Conference to determine their individual eligibility for reimbursement and honoraria. All speaker honoraria, expense reimbursement, and registration fee waivers must be agreed upon in advance, reviewed by the appropriate PLA committee (PLA Conference Program Subcommittee or Annual Conference Program Subcommittee) and approved by the PLA office.

  1. Members of the are not eligible for travel or lodging reimbursement, honoraria, or registration fee waivers.

  2. Speakers who are not members of may be eligible as follows:

    • those who are librarians presently working in public libraries are eligible for waivers of the conference registration fees on the day(s) they are speaking, at PLA Conferences only;
    • those who are librarians not presently working in public libraries are eligible for waivers of the conference registration fees only on the day(s) they are speaking as well as reimbursement of travel and lodging expenses;
    • those who are not librarians are eligible for waivers of the conference registration fees only on the day(s) they are speaking, reimbursement of travel and lodging expenses, and honoraria as approved by the appropriate PLA committee and PLA staff.