Policies Governing Leaders and Division National Conferences


The PLA Executive Director and other division Executive Directors met in 1990 to share their time, experience, and thoughtful attention to help develop some shared understandings about how divisions can help leaders get their messages out and how to provide visible opportunities at division national conferences for association as well as division leadership.

At the meeting PLA and other divisions agreed

  • to provide an opportunity at a general session for the ranking officer of to get “the message” across (5-10 minutes).

  • to provide to the ranking officer an occasion for visible interaction with attenders in a social setting.

  • to invite the President to speak as part of a conference program is left to each division, and may vary based on conference program format, the President's areas of expertise, and the conference theme.

  • that since division national conference expenses for the President are budgeted by the Executive Office, registration for him/her will be handled by the Executive Office.

  • that divisions will ensure the President has a room at the conference hotel, if desired; however, conference expenses will be handled by the Executive Office.

  • that other leaders, including Executive Board members, are treated in a gracious manner that is consistent with division policies for their own members.

  • that no official roles will be created for candidates for offices.