Schedule a Conference Call


Committees, task forces, and working groups can schedule conference calls on on one of PLA's Verizon conference call lines or using PLA’s Uberconference line.

Conference Call Guidelines

  1. Call times are subject to availability of a Verizon or Uberconference line, so please request times as far in advance as possible and preferably at least two weeks in advance.
  2. Your staff liaison will help you determine which service you need. Factors to consider include availability (should one or the other already be booked), capacity (Verizon accommodates up to 20, and Uberconference up to 100), the need for screen sharing (Uberconference), if an audio recording of the call is needed (Uberconference), and if an international access number is needed (Uberconference).
  3. If possible, calls should begin and end between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM Central, so that PLA staff can be available to assist as needed.

Scheduling and Call Procedures

  1. Confirm at least one, and up to three, possible call times with your committee/group.
  2. Contact your committee's staff liaison to check the availability of a Verizon or Uberconference line.
  3. The conference call will be scheduled and confirmed a.s.a.p. during regular business hours. Your staff liaison will provide you with the call-in information, which you should then share with the members of your committee/group.
  4. We recommend the chair/moderator join the call at 5 minutes prior to the official start time, and contact the staff liaison if assistance is needed.