PLA Campaign Guidelines for Candidates


PLA seeks to provide its members with opportunities to learn about PLA candidates for office by providing in-depth information about each candidate and by strongly encouraging members to vote. PLA does not endorse or provide support to candidates running for PLA/ office. In general, PLA encourages candidates to “stand,” rather than to “run” for election.

To inform its members, PLA will provide candidate information according to the procedures outlined below. Questions about campaigning or the election should be directed to the PLA Executive Director.

Dissemination of Candidate Information

Candidates for PLA President-Elect, PLA Director-at-Large, and PLA Division Councilor

PLA will:

  • Issue a press release announcing candidates;
  • Provide information on the PLA website, including each candidate’s photo, biography, and statement of professional concern;
  • Issue at least two voting reminders in the monthly PLA E-News. These will contain links to candidates’ information on the PLA website and election information; and
  • Assist and provide direction for completion of online ballot.


At the Midwinter Meeting preceding the election, PLA candidates may be introduced at the start of the PLA board meeting. The board meeting is held on Saturday, 1:00–5:00 p.m. The PLA president will introduce candidates for office if they are in attendance during the first 15 minutes of the board meeting. Given its full agenda and limited time, candidates are not permitted to make presentations at the board meeting, nor will they be introduced at any other time than during the first 15 minutes of the meeting. PLA board meetings are open: all candidates are welcome to stay for as long as they choose. Candidates may leave election literature with the PLA staff at the board meeting and it will be distributed to the members of the board.



  • In PLA Conference years, PLA will provide a table for campaign literature in the exhibit hall at the convention center. Candidates must inform PLA no later than January 31 if they will require a table for campaign literature. No on-site requests will be honored. The candidates are responsible for shipping, delivering and replenishing materials at this table. The designated table is the only location in the convention center where campaign materials may be distributed. Materials found in any other location will be disposed of. Candidates are not required to provide campaign materials.
  • PLA will list the location of the table(s) in the conference mobile app.
  • The names of PLA candidates will be displayed on screen at the conference's Opening General Session.

Dissemination of Candidate Information for President-Elect and Treasurer-Elect Only


At the Midwinter Meeting preceding the election, candidates may be introduced at the start of the PLA board meeting. The board meeting is held on Saturday, 1:00–5:00 p.m. The PLA president will introduce candidates for office, if they are in attendance, during the first 15 minutes of the board meeting. Given its full agenda and limited time, candidates are not permitted to make presentations at the PLA board meeting; nor will they be introduced at any other time than during the first 15 minutes of the meeting. PLA board meetings are open: all candidates are welcome to stay for as long as they choose. Candidates may leave election literature with the PLA staff at the board meeting and it will be distributed to the members of the board.



  • In PLA Conference years, PLA will provide a table for campaign literature in the exhibit hall at the convention center. Candidates must inform PLA no later than January 15 if they will require a table for campaign literature. No on-site requests will be honored. The candidates are responsible for shipping, delivering and replenishing materials at this table. The designated table is the only location in the convention center where campaign materials may be distributed. Materials found in any other location will be disposed of. Candidates are not required to provide campaign materials.
  • PLA will list the location of the table(s) in the conference mobile app.
  • In PLA Conference years, the names of candidates will be displayed on screen at the conference's Opening General Session.


PLA and have policies and procedures that govern campaigning. policy states: “Division National Conferences shall be defined as ‘non-business conferences removed in time and place from the ϲʿapp’s Annual Conference and Midwinter Meeting’ in order ‘to view and explore areas of divisional concerns in depth.’” (See .)

As and PLA elections are high-profile business activities and part of the governance process, PLA does not engage in promotion of or PLA candidates at its conferences or at any other regional meetings. By policy, we do not provide a venue for candidates to speak or for others to speak about candidates.

Specific to elections in the even years during PLA Conferences: Per the PLA Board decision (Fall 2013), PLA will recognize PLA candidates for office as well as presidential and treasurer candidates at the PLA Conference Opening General Session. The names and home institutions of the candidates will be displayed, but there will not be an opportunity for candidates to speak at this or any other official PLA conference session or event. PLA will also provide these candidates with space at a table in the convention center for campaign materials (see bullet points above). PLA does not disseminate candidate election materials (brochures, flyers, posters etc.) in any other conference venue. Candidates may hold independent events such as receptions during PLA conferences in non-PLA conference venues; PLA does not promote, provide space for, or coordinate these events.

Additional Resources

The process for nomination and election of candidates for PLA president-elect, division councilor and members at large of the PLA board is governed by PLA Bylaws (see:

Revised October 2017; October 2019.