Meet the PLA Board

Meet Michael Lambert, President



As the first Korean American to serve as the city librarian for the City and County of San Francisco, I feel extremely grateful for the opportunity to live and work in a city that deeply values the role of well-supported neighborhood libraries in service to our diverse community. Throughout my career I’ve been fortunate to work for some of the premier urban libraries in the country, including San Mateo County Libraries, the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library, and my beloved hometown Richland Library. I am the proud father of a University of Hawaii Rainbow Warrior, my son James Lambert, who is currently studying (and surfing) in Manoa.

Why I wanted to serve on the PLA Board

After three decades in public service, I feel honored to stand on the shoulders of the titans in our field who have come before me in serving on the PLA Board. I look forward to giving back to the profession and contributing to the advancement of our industry with my brilliant, passionate colleagues, and the dynamic, committed PLA staff. This will be a great opportunity to share some of the work we’ve been doing in San Francisco and also to learn about many of the best practices happening across the country.

My vision for the future of public libraries

As one of the longest continuously running institutions in our local communities, my vision for the future is that public libraries remain thriving, trusted institutions that help people to live their best lives and meet their personal goals to attain a brighter future. I see a future in which we develop stronger partnerships with our municipal partners to center community and make our communities more resilient.

My favorite book

The Missing Piece by Shel Silverstein. I was a children’s librarian for many years and this is one of my favorite read-aloud. It’s a great story about enjoying the journey no matter what we’re seeking.

Somewhere I love to frequent in my community

I live in San Francisco’s Outer Sunset neighborhood, about three blocks from Ocean Beach. I love to stroll out there after work to take in the sunset and walk up the hill to the Cliff House to get my steps in. It’s a beautiful place in a beautiful city.

Photo: Michael Lambert kicking off SFPL’s Summer Stride with a new twist on the “book face” with illustrator K. Fai Steele’s insert artwork from I Made These Ants Some Underpants!