For immediate release | September 6, 2017

Author and Poet, Elizabeth Acevedo is the Arthur Curley Lecture Speaker at the 2018 Midwinter Meeting & Exhibits in Denver


Elizabeth Acevedo will present as the Arthur Curley Lecture Speaker at the Midwinter Meeting & Exhibits in Denver. Acevedo was born as the youngest child of Dominican immigrants. Raised in New York City, her poetry is infused with Dominican bolero and her beloved city’s tough grit. With over 12 years of performance experience, Acevedo has been a featured performer on BET and Mun2, and has delivered several s. She has graced renowned venues, such as the Madison Square Garden, the Kennedy Center of the Performing Arts, South Africa’s State Theatre, The Bozar in Brussels, and the National Library of Kosovo. The session will take place on Saturday, February 10, 4:00-5:00pm.

Her passion for poetry has manifested in an increasing body of popular poetry videos, most of which have gone viral and been picked up by PBS, Latina Magazine, Cosmopolitan Magazine, and Upworthy Magazine. She says, “I commit wholeheartedly to the mission that my mother's stories will not die with her. I believe wholeheartedly telling my own story is an act of love and survival.” Many of her poems have been published, or are forthcoming in Puerto Del Sol, the Callaloo Journal, Poet Lore, Notre Dame Review, and others.

Acevedo is a National Slam Champion, Beltway Grand Slam Champion, a Cave Canem Fellow, Cantomundo Fellow, and participant of the Callaloo Writer's Workshop. She is the author of two poetry collections: Beastgirl & Other Origin Myths and Medusa Reads La Negra’s Palm, winner of the 2016 Berkshire Prize. A novel, The Poet X is scheduled for release in early 2018.

Acevedo’s appearance at the meeting is sponsored by HarperCollins Children’s Books.

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