For immediate release | December 12, 2016

Masters series features Catherine Murray-Rust and Kelvin Watson at the 2017 Midwinter Meeting


Innovative library leaders Catherine Murray-Rust (Georgia Institute of Technology) and Kelvin Watson (Queens Library) discuss transformative projects they have been involved with, in the Midwinter Meeting on Saturday, January 21st and Sunday, January 22nd, 12:30-1:30pm, in room B313 of the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta. Attendees are encouraged to bring their lunch and join these informal sessions.

On Saturday, Catherine Murray-Rust, Dean of Libraries and Vice Provost for Academic Effectiveness at the Georgia Institute of Technology, will talk about about , including (in their case) creating a shared collection with Emory University, renewing two library buildings, and adopting such techniques as portfolio management and supply chain thinking to reshape every job, process, program, and service. The project is focused on renewal and the evolution of physical spaces and library services to meet the institution’s changing research, teaching, and learning needs. The goals of the project are “to show what a library really can be, and what research librarians and archivists really can do, like no other research library in America has yet done. . . . Georgia Tech’s own strategic plan includes enriching the student experience, developing an innovative environment, sustaining excellence in research and scholarship, and providing a cutting-edge infrastructure to support the faculty’s vision. . . . The new, re-imagined Georgia Tech Library building will be a space to provide many new physical, informational, and technological resources to do just that.”

And on Sunday, January 22nd, attendees can join Kelvin Watson, Chief Operating Officer and Senior Vice-President for the Queens Library to , and learn about their efforts to radically transform and improve the way library patrons discover and access eResources through a Virtual Library System. This system will provide a best-of-breed solution for all their users, keeping the library’s doors open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, and shifting the balance of power from providers to libraries and the customers they serve. Attendees will learn about how the Virtual Library System allows users seamless access to digital materials, all within Queens Library’s own web and mobile interfaces, extending beyond the confines of any physical location and into people’s homes with the tools and devices that allow deeper interaction with the library’s offerings.

: The conversation starts here . . .

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Amy McGuigan

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