For immediate release | October 28, 2016

Urban visionary Ryan Gravel is 2017 Midwinter Meeting Arthur Curley Memorial Lecturer


Ryan Gravel, urban visionary, planner, designer, and author of Where We Want to Live: Reclaiming Infrastructure for a New Generation of Cities, will bring his message to the 2017 Midwinter Meeting in Atlanta, GA, as the Arthur Curley Memorial Lecturer on Saturday, January 21st, 4:00-5:00pm. Gravel is the award-winning creator of the Atlanta Beltline, a 22-mile transit greenway that will ultimately connect 40 diverse Atlanta neighborhoods to city schools, shopping districts, and public parks. He presents an exciting pitch for how to make cities the kinds of places where we truly want to live, and argues that we can take the future into our own hands and improve our way of life by remodeling cities with better infrastructure to reconnect both neighborhoods and people.

Through his work on site design, infrastructure, concept development, and public policy as the founding principal at , Gravel also investigates the cultural side of infrastructure, and in Where We Want to Live, describes what these projects mean and why they matter. A compelling case for our capacity to address challenges that result from sprawl, traffic, divided neighborhoods, inequality, and both rapid growth and declining economies is made by the Atlanta Beltline, which has seen record-breaking use of its first section of mainline trail and $2.4 billion of private sector redevelopment since 2005.

Gravel’s work has been covered in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Monocle, CityLab, CNN International, USA Today, Esquire Magazine and others. Among his numerous awards and honors, he has been listed among the 100 Most Influential Georgians by Georgia Trend Magazine, the GOOD 100 by GOOD Magazine, “Visionary Bureaucrat” by Streetsblog, and “Top 25 Newsmakers” of 2011 by Engineering News-Record. He received an “Emerging Voices” citation from the AIA-Atlanta, 2011 and was identified in 2006 by Esquire Magazine as one of the “Best & Brightest.” His provides a global overview of his work.

Gravel’s appearance at the conference is sponsored by Macmillan.

: The conversation starts here . . .

Early bird registration—offering the best rates—is open until noon (Central) November 9. Advance registration is then open through noon (Central) Jan 13, 2017. Annual Conference registration and housing open noon (Central), February 2, 2017.

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