For immediate release | November 6, 2015

'News You Can Use' sessions on Policy, Research, Technology, Privacy, Diversity/Inclusion and more at 2016 Midwinter Meeting


CHICAGO — In a timely and varied cluster of more than 25 “News You Can Use” sessions at 2016 Midwinter Meeting, experts from across library-related fields offer the latest updates on policy, research, statistics, diversity and inclusion, literacy, technology and more. The preliminary list of the 2016 News You Can Use sessions is on the . The topics include: library patron privacy; data visualization; the value of academic libraries; Mathical books!; school library research; job readiness services; GLBT Book Month; creativity programming for children; equity, diversity and outreach; OCLC research; re-envisioning your public library; using YouTube for advocacy; Washington Office updates; and more.

These sessions are based on recent research, surveys, reports, legislation/regulation, projects, beta trials, focus groups and other data. Update providers include the Washington Office, other divisions and offices and a wide range of organizations such as OCLC, DPLA (Digital Public Library of America), Children’s Book Council, The Center for Childhood Creativity, The Aspen Institute, and the Pew Research Center.

Preliminary session descriptions for the 2016 Midwinter Meeting are also available on the Midwinter website on the page.

Midwinter Meeting attendees are also encouraged to explore, examine and reflect on options, ideas and implications with colleagues by joining the Kitchen-Table Conversations, by attending the Unconference on Friday and Library Camp on Monday afternoon and by participating in discussion groups on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. The Networking Uncommons is also available for follow up, small-group discussions, and more.

: The conversation starts here . . .

Early bird registration—offering the best rates—is open until noon (Central) Nov. 11. Advance registration is then open through noon (Central) Jan 4, 2016. Annual Conference registration and housing open noon (Central), Jan. 19, 2016.

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Alicia (Alee) Navarro

Meeting Coordinator


Conference Services