For immediate release | November 3, 2015

Ken Burns and Terry Tempest Williams in ERT/Booklist Author Forum, 2016 Midwinter Meeting


CHICAGO -- Documentarian Ken Burns and creative nonfiction writer Terry Tempest Williams join Donna Seaman, Booklist editor for adult books, for the popular Midwinter Meeting ERT/Booklist Author Forum. They will discuss “The Writer as Witness,” talking about the challenges and pleasures of telling true stories. The popular Forum will take place from 4 - 5:15 p.m., Friday, Jan. 8, 2016, offering the first of many opportunities to hear and see favorite authors, illustrators and publishers up close at Midwinter.

Ken Burns has been making films for more than 35 years, including "Civil War," "Baseball," "The Roosevelts: An Intimate History" and "National Parks: America’s Best Idea." Projects currently in production include films on Jackie Robinson, the Vietnam War, the history of country music, Ernest Hemingway and the history of stand-up comedy. The dozens of awards, honors and special recognitions he has received include two Emmy Awards, two Grammy Awards, Producer of the Year Award from the Producers Guild of America, a People's Choice Award, a Peabody Award, a D. W. Griffith Award and the S. Roger Horchow Award for Greatest Public Service by a Private Citizen. Burns adds children’s book author to his long list of achievements when his first picture book, "Grover Cleveland, Again!," is published in May 2016, bringing American presidents to life and filled with fun facts.

Terry Tempest Williams is an award-winning author of 14 books, a conservationist and an activist whose writing is rooted in the American West and ranges from issues of ecology and wilderness preservation, to women's health, to exploring our relationship to culture and nature. She has testified before Congress on women’s health, protested against nuclear testing in the Nevada Desert and—with Code Pink—against the Iraq War. Her books, widely anthologized around the world, include “Refuge: An Unnatural History of Family and Place, Finding Beauty in a Broken World,” and “When Women Were Birds.” Her forthcoming book, “The Hour of Land: A Personal Topography of America's National Parks” (June 2016) offers a literary celebration of our national parks, what they mean to us, and what we mean to them, and is timed to honor the centennial of the National Park Service.

The authors are appearing thanks to the generous sponsorship of their publishers, Random House Children’s Books (Ken Burns) and Macmillan (Terry Tempest Williams).

Donna Seaman is Booklist’s editor for adult books. Her reviews and essays have appeared in the Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times and other publications, and she has received the James Friend Memorial Award for Literary Criticism, the Studs Terkel Humanities Service Award and Literacy Chicago's Literacy Hero Award. Seaman’s author interviews are collected in Writers on the Air: Conversations about Books and she has moderated many author appearances for the ϲʿapp, the Chicago Public Library and the Chicago Humanities Festival.

The Exhibits Round Table is pleased to sponsor the ERT/Booklist Author Forum as one of the many ways they collaborate with staff and members to make the exhibits a dynamic part of conferences.

Booklist is the book review magazine of the ϲʿapp, considered an essential collection development and readers’ advisory tool by thousands of librarians for more than 100 years. includes a growing archive of 170,000+ reviews available to subscribers as well as a wealth of free content offering the latest news and views on books and media. offer essential integrated print, online, and digital edition access for the most efficient and effective workflow.

Registration and housing are open for 2016 Midwinter Meeting and Exhibits in Boston, Jan. 8-12, at Use these resources to make your case for attending.

: The conversation starts here . . .

Early bird registration—offering the best rates—is open until noon (Central) Nov. 11. Advance registration is then open through noon (Central) Jan 4, 2016. Annual Conference registration and housing open noon (Central), Jan. 19, 2016.

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