For immediate release | October 22, 2014

JobLIST Placement Center to host etiquette luncheon during Midwinter Meeting in Chicago


CHICAGO — The JobLIST Placement Center will host an etiquette luncheon from 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 1, 2015, during the Midwinter Meeting in Chicago.

This interactive luncheon presentation provides an extensive tutorial on the dining etiquette skills needed when meeting potential clients, colleagues or employers in professional networking settings. The full dining tutorial includes how to navigate table settings, properly hold silverware for each course, how to eat various foods and how to graciously toast your host, among other topics. A portion of the presentation also focuses on professional etiquette as it relates to dress, behavior and communication in the professional world.

It doesn’t matter if you are a student, a new graduate, or a professional who has been working for years. The information provided in this session will be useful either as an introduction or a refresher. Anyone who attends can benefit. Cost is $40. Register early, as seating is limited.

To register for this event, you can use the Midwinter . If you have already registered, you can add it to your registration. Use event code: HRD1.

The JobLIST Placement Center is managed by the Office for Human Resource Development and Recruitment (HRDR). For more information, contact the Placement Center manager, Beatrice Calvin.

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Beatrice Calvin

Program Officer, Placement/Recruitment

