Research Journal Advisory Board

Learn more about the Research Journal Advisory Board


Function: Oversee the peer reviewing process as outlined in the Refereeing Process Guidelines as approved by the YALSA Board of Directors. The Board also serves in an advisory capacity to the Member Editor of the journal by assisting with the solicitation of contributors and articles as well as generating ideas for topical articles or themes, when requested from the Member Editor

Type: Continuing

Date of Establishment: 2009; charge updated in March 2011, March 2018

Membership: Size: 7 virtual members, including Chair and at least two members from the previous year


  • Current membership in YALSA
  • To accomplish year-round work in a virtual environment taskforce members must be competent users of digital tools, including but not limited to Google docs, Skype and .
  • Experience with the peer review process
  • Background in conducting and writing research
  • Knowledge of topics in need of research and analysis as outlined in YALSA's
  • Strong editing skills

For information on the responsibilities of committee/jury/taskforce members, visit YALSA's Handbook.

Term of Office: July 1 through June 30. Per policy, members can serve up to 4 consecutive years on a committee. Advisory Board members interested in serving beyond their first year should notify YALSA's President-Elect and fill out a .

Staff Liaison: Anna Lam