Action & Issues


As a result of the National Forum on Libraries and Teens was a year-long forum that brought together key stakeholders from the areas of libraries, education, technology, adolescent development and the for-profit and nonprofit sectors to explore the world of young adults and library services to this population, and ultimately produce a report which provides direction on how libraries need to adapt and potentially change to better meet the needs of 21st century teens. The was published in January 2014 as a call to "act for teens." Read the report and learn about how you can take action.

Ongoing advocacy efforts can help ensure that all teens have access to great libraries! Why advocate? Because you are the voice for the teens! Help ensure that 100% of libraries have the staff, budget and resources needed to serve the nation's 42+ million teens. Share your advocacy ideas, successes and challenges with us on Twitter by using the #act4teens hashtag and check out all our great advocacy resources!

Learn about the current issues and projects YALSA is involved in that relate to the three goal areas of YALSA's . The three goal areas are: advocacy, funder and partner development, and leading the transformation of teen services.