Webinars on Demand by Date

YALSA's webinars available for purchase listed by year and month.



  • On-demand webinars are 100% free to current YALSA members. Access them via the portion of the web site.
  • On-demand webinars are intended for the sole use of the purchaser, whether an individual or group. Redistribution or rebroadcast to another individual or group other than the purchaser is prohibited.

2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015

2022 Webinars

January 2022:

February 2022:

March 2022:

April 2022:

May 2022:

June 2022:

July 2022: No YALSA webinar

August 2022:

September 2022:

October 2022:

November 2022:

2021 Webinars

January 2021: How to Engage and Program for LGBTQ+ Youth -

February 2021: Curating Comics Collections with YALSA’s Great Graphic Novels for Teens -

March 2021: Gather Your Peeps - YALSA Interest Groups -

April 2021: Teen Mental Health - In Their Own Words -

May 2021: Serving on a YALSA Selection List Committee -

June 2021: Spring Showcase - Champions of Change -

August 2021: Write on, Teens! Hosting a Teen Writing Contest at Your Library -

September 2021: Top Strategies for Marketing Your Library -

October 2021: Connecting Teens with Technology at the Library -

November 2021: A Sleuth at Work: Seeking answers and unearthing details of an old family story -

Starting in December 2021, all recorded webinars are now on for purchase.

December 2021:

2020 Webinars

January 2020: How to Engage Teens Through Family Programming -

February 2020: Engaging Teens in the 2020 Census -

March 2020: Cultivating Voice Through Youth Leadership Programs -

April 2020: Teen Hackathon: Creativity, Collaboration, and Competition -

May 2020: Building a Strong Teen Nonfiction Collection -

June 2020: Strategies to Increase Adult Book Titles for Teens -

July 2020: Identifying the Best Fit Audiobooks for Your Teens -

August 2020: School Librarians and School Counselors: Computing Together -

September 2020: Virtual Dungeons and Dragons: A Virtual How-To Guide -

October 2020: Navigating Post-Secondary Readiness in the Time of COVID-19 -

November 2020: Engaging with Teens via Social Media: Two Methods, One Goal -

December 2020: Serving the Public and Self-Care During Difficult Times -

2019 Webinars

January 2019: Everyday Disabilities: Welcoming Teens with Disabilities -

February 2019: Providing Equitable Access for All Teens @ Your Library -

March 2019: Teens, Social Justice, & Difficult Conversations -

April 2019: What Does it Take to be Career Ready? -

May 2019: Learn2Discern: Media Literacy for Teens Through Libraries -

June 2019: Building Middle School Futures -

July 2019: Equity Through Teen Service Learning -

August 2019: The Resilient Librarian: Breaking the Self-Care Code -

October 2019: Creating Community and Amplifying Youth Voice -

November 2019: Computational Thinking through Games and Puzzles -

December 2019: Learning Circles for Staff, for Teens, and for the Community -

2018 Webinars

December 2018: Continuous Learning:

November 2018: Outcomes & Assessment:

October 2018: Equity of Access:

September 2018: Cultural Competence and Responsiveness:

August 2018: Community & Family Engagement -

July 2018: Youth Engagement and Leadership -

June 2018: Learning Experiences -

May 2018: Learning Environments -

April 2018: Interactions with Teens -

March 2018: Teen Growth and Development -

February 2018: Seattle Youth CAN - A Collaborative Model for Teen Leadership -

January 2018: Acknowledging the Elephant in the Library: Making Implicit Biases Explicit -

2017 Webinars

December 2017: Community Partnerships for Teen Success -

November 2017: Creativity in Leadership -

October 2017: Working Together: Youth Adult Partnerships to Enhance Youth Voice -

September 2017: No Hammer Required: Breaking Down Barriers Between Teens and Library Staff -

August 2017: Finding Federal Funding for Creative Youth Development Activities -

July 2017: Creative Youth Development and the Humanities -

June 2017:- What is Creative Youth Development -

May 2017: Repair the Harm: Restorative Approaches to Behavior Management -

April 2017: Building Their Own World: Teen Driven Community Engagement -

March 2017: STEM Impact Through Youth Voice -

February 2017: Using Media Literacy to Stop the Fake News Cycle -

January 2017: Let's Keep it Real - Library Staff Helping Teens Examine Issues of Social Justice, Equity, and Race -

2016 Webinars

December 2016: What do you Want to Do Here: Designing Teen Library Spaces -

November 2016: Making the Transition from Summer Reading to Summer Learning -

October 2016: Coding, Learning, and Libraries -

September 2016: Supporting Teen Success Through School Library Partnerships -

August 2016: Connecting Teens to Mental Health Support and Resources -

July 2016: Connecting Teens and Community Inside and Outside the Library -

June 2016: Content Creation Tools for You and Your Teens -

May 2016: Collecting and Vetting Digital Content -

April 2016: Connecting with Immigrant and Refugee Youth -

March 2016: Partner with a Local Museum to Reach More Teens -

February 2016: The Leap from Summer Reading to Summer Learning -

January 2016: What I Stopped Doing - Improving Service to Youth -

2015 Webinars

December 2015: Life Hacks 101 - Preparing Teens for Adulthood -

November 2015: Teen Program Development - Making it About Teens First -

October 2015: Community Collaborations - School and Library Partnerships -

September 2015: Commence Learning - College Readiness Programs -

August 2015: Identifying and Serving Youth Experiencing Homelessness -

July 2015: Remote Does Not Mean Isolated -

June 2015: Cultural Competence in the Library -

May 2015: Navigating the Tides of Teen Behavior -

April 2015: Teen Services Programming - Opportunities and Outcomes -

March 2015: Teen Services Programming Guidelines -

February 2015: Library Policy Tune-Up - Are Yours Teen Friendly -

January 2015: One Year Check In Changes in Libraries -

2014 Webinars

If a month is not listed the webinar has been deleted due to lack of currency and/or another more recent webinar provides content that is more current.

December 2014: It's Fun to Partner with the YMCA -

November 2014: Soft Serve Using Soft Skills to Communicate with Colleagues -

September 2014: Fencing Out Knowledge - The Impact of CIPA 10 Years Later -

August 2014: Welcoming Spaces - Serving Teens on the Autism Spectrum -

May 2014: Everyone Can Advocate -

January 2014: What's Next for Teen Services -

2013 Webinars

If a month is not listed the webinar has been deleted due to lack of currency and/or another more recent webinar provides content that is more current.

December 2013: Legal Considerations in Teen Services -

March 2013: Low Stress Strategies for the Afterschool Crowd -
