YALSA's Public Library Evaluation Tool


In 2011, YALSA developed a tool for evaluating a public library’s overall level of success in providing services to teens, aged 12-18, with areas for evaluation derived from YALSA's
Competencies for Librarians Serving Youth: Young Adults Deserve the Best.

Potential users of this tool include library administrators, library trustees, teen services librarians, and community members and job-seekers hoping to assess a library’s commitment to teen services. The tool is not intended to be an evaluation of an individual teen services librarian, but rather of an institution’s program; however, of necessity some things will apply specifically to teen services staff.

Not every element of the rubric will apply to every library situation, but the tool can serve as a place to begin the conversation about what constitutes excellent public library service for teens.


Public Library Evaluation Tool (PDF)

YALSA's Competencies for Librarians Serving Youth: Young Adults Deserve the Best (PDF)

Evaluation Tool Fact Sheet for Library Administrators (PDF)

Evaluation Tool Fact Sheet for LIS Faculty (PDF)

Evaluation Tool Fact Sheet for Teen Services Librarians (PDF)

Evaluation Tool Fact Sheet for Library Users and Community Members (PDF)

Evaluation Tool Fact Sheet for Trustees (PDF)

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