Guidelines for Strategic Partnerships

YALSA welcomes the opportunity to collaborate with private and public agencies and institutions when doing so extends the organization’s mission and benefits the organization and its members. YALSA values our partners and the role they play in building the capacity of libraries and librarians to engage, serve and empower teens. At the same time, we recognize the importance of transparency to maintain the integrity of our organization and strive to ensure all of our constituents understand our financial and organizational stewardship.


YALSA welcomes the opportunity to collaborate with private and public agencies and institutions when doing so extends the organization’s mission and benefits the organization and its members. YALSA values our partners and the role they play in building the capacity of libraries and librarians to engage, serve and empower teens. At the same time, we recognize the importance of transparency to maintain the integrity of our organization and strive to ensure all of our constituents understand our financial and organizational stewardship.

Our Mission

The Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) is a national association of librarians, library workers and advocates whose mission is to expand and strengthen library services for teens, aged 12-18. Through its member-driven advocacy, research, and professional development initiatives, YALSA builds the capacity of libraries and librarians to engage, serve and empower teens.

Partnering Process

YALSA enters into formal partnerships with companies, foundations, agencies, institutions and other entities for the purpose of enhancing the YALSA mission and to improve and expand library services for and with teens. Only organizations with related missions or interests qualify for Partner status. To indicate your organization's interest in a partnership, please complete this brief, .

It is the responsibility of the YALSA Board to review and recommend for approval new partnerships. The process starts with a formal expression of intent which can be initiated by the prospective organization or by the YALSA Executive Committee. Basis for approval involves an assessment of the organization’s objectives and commitment to serving teens through libraries, as well as the expected benefits that would accrue to YALSA and its members. Three primary criteria are considered:

1. The degree to which the activity or relationship advances YALSA’s mission

2. The project or relationship has a written, clearly defined plan or goal

3. There is a reasonable balance of resource provision and responsibility between partners

Additionally, the public perception and reputation of such organizations, depth and consistency of library or youth related activities or interests, and other factors will be considered. All YALSA partnership arrangements must be in compliance with °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±app policy.

YALSA will offer a written agreement for each of its partnerships. Such agreements will detail the parameters of the use of the organization’s name and/or logo, and will require that partners comply with all applicable laws and regulations. YALSA may cancel a partnership agreement at any time if the partnership proves detrimental to YALSA’s resources, if the partner uses YALSA’s name without prior consent, or if the mission of the partnering organization changes substantially or in a manner that becomes inconsistent with YALSA’s mission and image. Partners of YALSA are prohibited from using the relationship for commercial purposes.

Types of Partners

  • Academic Institutions: Educational or research institutions with specific programs and interests connected to the work of YALSA, libraries and teens.
  • Associations: Other groups associated with building the capacity of libraries and librarians to engage, serve and empower teens.
  • Corporations: National or international corporations, who have an interest in or have demonstrated a commitment to YALSA, libraries and teens. All corporate sponsorships are expected to comply with YALSA’s Corporate Sponsor Policy.
  • Foundations: Charitable organizations with the legal status, financial capacity and demonstrated mission to provide financial support to the work of YALSA.
  • Government: State library agencies and federal agencies that share a mutual interest with YALSA and its members, such as Internet safety, workforce development, digital literacy, adolescent literacy and more.
  • Other Not-for-Profit Organizations: Organizations that do not meet the criteria for national membership, but demonstrate an active interest in YALSA, libraries and teens.

Types of Partnerships

YALSA may enter partnerships characterized by different agreements and levels of responsibility as well as stated outcomes such as the following:

  • Advocacy: Partners work jointly with YALSA to educate groups or the public at large about issues affecting library services for and with teens, and may or may not participate in activities designed to influence public policy and local, state, and federal legislation.
  • Affiliation: Partners form a loosely connected relationship with YALSA around a similar interest(s).
  • Collaborative: Partners work with YALSA to achieve goals and objectives articulated by YALSA’s strategic plan as well as mutually agreed-upon objectives of interest to YALSA and the collaborating organization(s).
  • Endorsement: Providing approval or support of a concept, program or action already conceptualized or completed by someone else, such as via a letter of support. YALSA does not typically endorse individual organizations, products or services.
  • Funding: A partner works with YALSA to jointly fund a program or project of mutual interest and benefit. This type of partnership may also be a combined effort to seek contributed funds or sponsorship dollars to develop and implement a program or project.
  • Media: Media partners offer a platform for high profile publicity and exposure benefits for the association in return for access to a nationwide network which can help position the media partner as a prime source for contemporary news and information.
  • Programming: The partner and YALSA share the launch and management of one or more programs. Organizations involved in joint programming share decision-making powers for the program while maintaining their independence in managing their own programs.
  • Sponsorship: A corporation works with YALSA on a project that advances YALSA’s mission and positions the corporation as a good corporate citizen. All sponsorships are expected to comply with YALSA’s Corporate Sponsor Policy.


Logo Use Policy

Corporate Sponsorship Policy

Media & Sponsorship Kit (PDF)

YALSA’s Strategic Plan

--adopted by the YALSA Board of Directors, June 23, 2012