YA Services at Library Schools


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Interested in becoming a YA librarian? Take a look at the offerings or programs on YA services at the following -accredited library graduate programs.

– some specializations may apply (i.e. Library Media Specialist etc.)

– Option to obtain Post Master’s Certificate of Specialization in Information Studies

–Concentrations that may apply (i.e. School Libraries)

– Option of Certificate of Special Study available to post-MLIS students

- Youth Services concentration available

– Youth Services Specialization available

– Offer Master of Library Science/Certificate in Nonprofit Management)

– School Media Specialist Certification available

– Certificate of Advanced Study available and K-12 School Library Licensure

– Specialization in School Library Media

- Specialization in Youth Service

– School Library Media Program and option to Tailor Your Own MSI

– Certificates available for UNS Nonprofit Leadership and School Library Media Coordinators

– Licensure available for School Library Media Coordinator or School Media Supervisor

– Track available as School Media Coordinator

– Youth Librarianship program of study

– Children and Young Adult Services Program or School Library Media Program

– Specialization in Resources and Services: Children and Youth

– Children and Young Adult Services Certificate Program

– School Library Media track

– School Library Certification

– Youth Librarianship

– School Library Teacher Certification Program

– Certificate of concentration available

– Certificate of Advanced Study available

– Concentration available in Public Library Services to Children and Young Adults

– Children’s/Youth Services concentration available