Drupal 10 Resources

This page is to be a resource for Drupal 10.

Drupal 10 Videos


The following are a video catalog of Drupal 10 Resources. If you do not find what you need, please email help@ala.org with any questions.

Component Guide (PDF)

Webpage Types


This video is a walkthrough of the different types of pages you can create in Drupal 10

Basic Page


A Basic page is to be used as a static page, like an "About Us" type of page.

Committee Page


Use this page type to create a Committee Page. Committee Pages have a Committee Code that can be found in iMIS (Our Member Management System)

Event Page


Use this page type to create an Event Page that can be used in Calendar.

Donor / Sponsor


Use this page type to create a Donor / Sponsor Page that can be tied to an Opportunity Page.

Opportunity Page


An Opportunity Page is similar to our former Award Pages.

Winner Page


A Winner Page is used to present a winner of an award (Opportunity).

News Page


The News Page is for Member News or Announcements.



The video is for the body editor found on every page type.

Component Layout


This is a recording of a Component Layout training.



This is a video of a Webform Training Class.

Link to a Document on Page


In this video we walk you through how to link to a document in the body of your webpage.

Redirect from One Link to Another Link


This video walks you through how to redirect links.

(.pdf, 4.56 MB)