Historic Professional Recognition


Round Table
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Information Technology Pathfinder Award


The Information Technology Pathfinder Award recognizes and honors school librarians demonstrating vision and leadership through the use of information technology to build lifelong learners.


Division One: For the innovative use of information

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Kohlstedt Exhibit Award


A citation given by ERT for the best single and multiple booth displays at the Annual Conference.


Exceptional Achievement Award


A citation presented to recognize leadership and achievement in the following areas of activity: consulting, multitype library cooperation, and state library development. The award recognizes sustained activity that has been characterized by professional

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Leadership Achievement Award


A citation presented to recognize leadership and achievement in the following areas of activity: consulting, multitype library cooperation, and state library development. The award recognizes sustained activity that has been characterized by professional

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Leadership Award


To honor an individual LAMA member for outstanding contributions and support to LAMA and LAMA sections and committees.

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Literacy Award


The ALTA Literacy Award is given annually to a library trustee or an individual who in a volunteer capacity has made a significant contribution to addressing the problem of illiteracy in the United States, particularly as it relates to the role of the public

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Literacy & Social Responsibility

Marshall Cavendish Excellence In Library Programming Award


An annual award consisting of $2,000 and a citation of achievement recognizes either a school or public library which demonstrates excellence in library programming by providing programs which have community impact and respond to community needs.

The Penguin Random House Library Award for Innovation


The Penguin Random House Library Award for Innovation recognizes U.S. libraries and librarians who create lasting innovative community service programs that successfully inspire and connect with new readers.

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Professional Achievement Award


A citation presented to one or more ASCLA members for professional achievement within the areas of consulting, networking, statewide service and programs. The criteria include: record of accomplishment in the development or promotion of statewide library

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Special Presidential Recognition Award


The Special Presidential Recognition highlights excellence among members of ACRL who have provided outstanding service to the association and profession of academic librarianship.

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