Historic Professional Recognition


Round Table
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Advancement of Literacy Award


Honors a publisher, bookseller, hardware and/or software dealer, foundation or similar group (i.e., not an individual) that has made a significant contribution to the advancement of adult literacy.

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Literacy & Social Responsibility

Excellence in Library Programming Award


The Excellence in Library Programming Award recognizes a library that demonstrates excellence in library programming by creating a cultural/thematic program type or program series, presented during the preceding year (September 1 - August 31), that engages

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Liberty and Justice Book Awards


Awards totalling $30,000, made by , to authors of books published in 1956 and in 1957 which make distinguished contributions to the American tradition of liberty and justice.

The purpose of the Liberty and Justice Book Awards is to draw attention of

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Intellectual Freedom

Armed Forces Librarians Achievement Citation


Presented to members of the Armed Forces Librarians Section, Public Library Association who have made significant contributions to the development of armed forces library service, and to organizations encouraging an interest in libraries and reading.

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BRASS Award for Outstanding Service to Minority Business Communities


This award recognizes one librarian who, or library that has created an innovative service for a minority business community, or has been recognized by that community as an outstanding service provider.

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Standard & Poor's Award for Outstanding Service to Minority Business Communities


This award recognizes one librarian who, or library that has created an innovative service for a minority business community, or has been recognized by that community as an outstanding service provider.

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Best Practices in Marketing Academic and Research Libraries @your library® Award


An award will be made to the academic/research library in each category (community college, college, and university) that demonstrates an outstanding best practices marketing program that addresses the criteria for judging as described below.

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Brett Butler Entrepreneurship Award


The LITA/Brett Butler Entrepreneurship Award recognizes a librarian or library who demonstrates exemplary entrepreneurship by providing an innovative product(s) or service, designed to meet the needs of the library world through the skillful and practical

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Special Centennial Citation


To recognize outstanding contributions to the profession.
