ALSC Roadshow

ALSC is providing limited funding to members who are interested in staffing booths, presenting programs or coordinating social events at state or local conferences. Conferences must be related to library service, children’s publishing, or have some connection to library services.


Want to represent ALSC at an event or conference near you? You could be the connection between ALSC and new members!

ALSC is providing limited funding to members who are interested in staffing booths, presenting programs or coordinating social events at conferences, alumni events, or even local get-togethers. The event only need be related to library service, children’s publishing, or have some connection to library services.

Know an event like this and want to introduce ALSC to some new friends? Bring us along! You know the most about your association and are therefore the most qualified to talk about it.



In Fall 2016, the ALSC Membership Committee created an ALSC Roadshow Request Criteria document to help clarify the process for submission, approval, and follow-up of a successful request. It is highly encouraged that prospective applicants read through this document before applying to the ALSC Roadshow.


There are two types of ALSC Roadshow requests:
1. Materials-only
  • Any request that does not require reimbursement of funds
  • Materials-only requests do not require Membership Committee approval
2. Reimbursement of funds
  • Any requests that requires reimbursement must be received at least four weeks before the event date
  • All funds that require reimbursement will be reviewed and voted on by the ALSC Membership Committee
  • Approved reimbursement of funds requests can also include mailed materials


The will be evaluating proposals on an on-going basis. Proposals should be submitted with the following questions in mind:

  • Is the proposalIMG_6259 relevant to the work of children’s librarians?
  • How much value does the proposal bring to the organization?
  • Is this an event or conference related to the work of ALSC members?

Roadshow Request

For more information please contact Elizabeth Serrano, ALSC Membership Marketing Specialist, 800-545-2433 ext 2164.