Board of Directors

From the ALSC Handbook of Organization: Roles and Responsibilities of Elected Officials



Article IV of the Bylaws of the Association for Library Service to Children establishes the duties and responsibilities of members of the Board of Directors.

Duties and Responsibilities of Board Members

  1. Attend all board meetings at Midwinter and Annual Conferences.
  2. Jointly determine current and future programs and activities in accordance with ALSC objectives (Bylaws Article II).
  3. Jointly determine ALSC policies.
  4. Understand and adhere to ALSC's policies for service on various award and media evaluation committees.
  5. To approve the selection of interim Board positions when vacancies develop as outlined in Article IV, sec. 3. In cases where an interim /ALSC Councilor must be appointed, the secretary of Council will be informed in advance of the interim Councilor’s first meeting. (added January 2004)


Regular meetings of the Board are held during the Midwinter Meeting and Annual Conference of the Association. Informational and action items are uploaded to Connect after the President sets the agenda. Informative background material relating to matters for discussion and action are sent to each Board member throughout the year. It is the responsibility of each Board member to read the information prior to Board meetings and to bring all printed materials to the meetings.

Specifically, directors are elected by the membership and serve three-year terms. The Board of Directors must work toward the good of the overall association. In order to do so, the Board must operate as a whole and not as individuals. Each position is of equal importance to its success, and if one officer or director fails in doing the job, the working ability and effectiveness of the entire Board and association is impacted. A Board must have mutual respect among its members.

Responsibilities of the Board:

  • Determine ALSC policies.
  • Give final approval to the ALSC budget at the Annual Conference.
  • Consider association items that require decisions.
  • Approve ALSC committee functions, structures, procedures, guidelines and/or actions.
  • Determine current and future programs and activities in accordance with ALSC objectives (ALSC Bylaws, Article II).
  • Authorize relationships with other organizations.
  • Implement and advance the Strategic Plan.
  • Ensure ALSC has appropriate resources to carry out the programs adopted.
  • Evaluate the performance of the ALSC Executive Director.

Responsibilities of Directors:

  • Attend the Leadership & ALSC Meetings held on Saturday mornings at both Midwinter and Annual Conferences.
  • Attend all Board meetings at Midwinter and Annual conferences.
  • Attend Board Orientation at Annual Conference. Optional for outgoing Directors.
  • Support Board actions publicly even if they have reservations about the decision.
  • Fulfill any assignments as committee members, Board liaisons, or representatives of the Association.
  • Be available to members for discussion and concerns; report to President and Executive Director issues or concerns from members.
  • Model behavior we want to see from the organization: Be focused, flexible, friendly, and responsive. Respond promptly to all correspondence, including email.
  • Educate themselves about the association by reading ALSC Matters! and Children and Libraries, following the ALSC Blog, participating on ALSC-L and in Connect, and reading the ALSC Bylaws, the Board Orientation Manual, and other materials pertaining to the job.

Board Schedule at Conferences

While at both conferences, Board members are asked to circulate and talk informally with the ALSC membership; many Board members do this by attending the full schedule of events that the ALSC office distributes.

Annual Conference

  • Mandatory meetings for Annual Conference are:
  • Board Meeting I - Friday afternoon
  • Leadership & ALSC meeting - Saturday morning
  • Board Orientation - Saturday afternoon
  • Board Meeting II - Tuesday afternoon

Board members are encouraged to attend as many of the other ALSC programs, celebrations & meetings as possible. These include:

  • ALSC 101 - Saturday late afternoon
  • All-Committee meeting - Sunday AM
  • Pura Belpre Celebration & awards - Sunday afternoon
  • Newbery, Caldecott, Wilder Banquet -Sunday evening
  • NCW receiving line - Sunday night
  • ALSC Book & Media Awards - Monday AM
  • ALSC Membership Meeting – Monday mid-morning
  • Charlemae Rollins President's Program – Monday early afternoon
  • Odyssey Awards - Monday afternoon
  • Inaugural Brunch - Tuesday morning, prior to the final ALSC Board meeting (hosted by ALSC)
  • Any ALSC sponsored or co-sponsored program sessions at the conferences

Midwinter Meeting

Mandatory meetings for Midwinter Meeting are:

  • Leadership & ALSC meeting - Saturday morning
  • Board Meeting I - Saturday afternoon
  • Board Meeting II - Monday afternoon

Board members are encouraged to attend as many of the other ALSC programs, celebrations & meetings as possible. These include:

  • All-Committee meeting - Sunday AM
  • Youth Media Awards Press Conference – Monday AM
  • Joint Youth Divisions Reception – Monday PM
  • Any ALSC sponsored or co-sponsored program sessions at the conferences

Policy Guides and Division Aids

The following publications include background in and Division matters. Copies are available from the ALSC Office upon request, and are available online at

  • ALSC Professional and Literary Award Committee Manuals