Field of Responsibility Statement

ALSC Handbook of Organization's Field of Responsibility Statement



The Association for Library Service to Children is interested in the improvement and extension of library service to children in all types of libraries. It is responsible for the evaluation and selection of book and non-book library materials and for the improvement of techniques of library services to children from birth through the eighth grade of junior high school age, when such materials and techniques are intended for use in more than one type of library. ALSC has specific responsibility for:

  1. Continuous study and critical review of activities assigned to the division.
  2. Conduct of activities and carrying on of projects within its area of responsibility.
  3. Cooperation with all units of whose interests and activities have a relationship to library service to children.
  4. Interpretation of library materials for children and of methods of using such materials with children, to parents, teachers, and other adults, and representation of librarians’ concern for the production and effective use of good children’s books to groups outside the profession.
  5. Stimulation of the professional growth of its members and encouragement of participation in appropriate type-of-library divisions.
  6. Planning and development of programs of study and research in the area of selection and use of library materials for children for the total profession.
  7. Development, evaluation, and promotion of professional materials in its area of responsibility.