Priority Group III - Professional Awards and Scholarships



To identify and recognize professional achievement and foster excellence in youth services through scholarships and awards: 1. Children's Literature Lecture Award; 2.Professional Recognition and Scholarships; 3.Programs and Services Recogntition


Mrs. Katie Marie Cerqua
(Consultant, July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2026)

Displaying active committee roster as of 09/18/2024. Last retrieved on 09/18/2024. Refresh now.



Priority Group III consists of one consultant appointed from the ALSC membership at large, serving a 2-year term.

Subcommitees and Task Forces


Priority Group III consists of one consultant appointed from the ALSC membership at large, serving a 2-year term.



Established in 1975 at the request of the ALSC Board of Directors.

Staff Liaison




Get Involved


ALSC and value committed and active committee members. Qualified ALSC members are welcome to volunteer to serve on ALSC's committees. Committee members must have an interest in the work of the committee; be able to attend Annual Conferences and Midwinter Meetings to participate in the meetings and activities of the committee; and be able to work between conferences via e-mail and Connect. Express your interest in serving on this or other ALSC committees by filling out an ALSC committee volunteer form. Depending on the committee, appointments take place either in the spring or fall. Accordingly, committee service begins either following Annual Conference or Midwinter Meeting.